Wie alt sind Sie Find more words! He won the World Cup in Mexico in the year of 1986. Maradona are origini italiene, spaniole, croate și argentiene indigene. Wie alt bist Du? Diego Maradona wurde 60 Jahre, 0 Monat und 26 Tage alt. Die Fussballlegende starb im Alter von 60 Jahren an einem Herzinfarkt. As you study the vocabulary for this lesson, pay attention to the difference between asking a formal (Sie) and a familiar (du/ihr) question. Diego Maradona … German Section 07 2. Human translations with examples: and you ?, how old is b?, how old is it?, how old is he?, is a cryparent. Wie alt bist du? Even the British named him "athlete of the decade. Contextual translation of "wie alt ist monika?" ", On 2 November 2020, Maradona was hospitalized in La Plata because of mental health reasons. Diego Maradona ist tot. Anna ist 24, Sie ist doppelt so alt wie Maria war, als Anna so alt war, wie Maria jetzt ist. Examples translated by humans: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. CC BY-SA 3.0 — Infos zu Bildmaterial und Lizenzen auf geboren.am ›. 7.2m Followers, 232 Following, 912 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Diego Maradona (@maradona) into English. This page was last changed on 18 January 2021, at 12:24. Context sentences. Geburtsort/Sterbeort Lanús – Argentinien. Wie groß war Maradona? Egal wie alt du bist, lernen ist noch möglich. No matter how old you are, it is still possible to learn. You don't have to understand anything! You should rather try to find out how each word is pronounced. Directed by Emir Kusturica. His great skill and moves reserved him a spot in soccer history and as one of the best players. Diego Armando Maradona (Spanish: [ˈdjeɣo maɾaˈðona]; 30 October 1960 – 25 November 2020) was an Argentine professional football player and manager. Contextual translation of "wie alt ist sie" into English. La 10 ani Maradona a fost remarcat de către un talentat căutător de tineri jucători, în timp ce juca la Estrella Roja, un club din vecinătatea unde locuia. Ich versuche euch die Sache zu erklären. Julien Bam sein Geheimnis wird endlich entlarvt! Das Video war vor 3 Jahren und er sagte im video das er sein ersten PC mit 25 Jahren bekommen hat und behauptet heute er sei 23 Jahre ? While … With Ernesto Cantu, Fidel Castro, Manu Chao, Hugo Chávez. Wie alt bist du? Diego Armando Maradona Franco (30 October 1960 – 25 November 2020) was an Argentine football player and manager. [11], From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Human translations with examples: how old is he?, it is cold out, how old is it?, wer kennt lotw?. Contact: Languages Online Team (languages.online@edumail.vic.gov.au) Created on: Thursday, March 18th, 2004 | Page last updated: Friday, 21 August 2015 Wann ist Maradona gestorben? With Pelé, Diego Maradona, Claudia Villafañe, Dalma Maradona. [10], On 25 November 2020, Maradona died of a heart attack at his home in Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina at the age of 60. Human translations with examples: and you ?, how old is b?, how old is he?, how old is it?, how old is she?. According to FC Barcelona's official website, his surname is the single "Maradona", in accordance with Argentine customs. Wie alt war Diego Maradona als er starb? in English. German Wie alt … (fam.) Daring thieves take consoles from moving delivery trucks. Human translations with examples: and you ?, how old is b?, how old is he?, how old is it?, wer kennt lotw?. Examples translated by humans: А сколько ей?, Это твоя вина, Это твоя сумка. WIE ALT IST MARIA? Contextual translation of "wie alt ist er" into English. Apple Footer. Diego Armando Maradona (30. října 1960 Lanús, Buenos Aires – 25. listopadu 2020 Tigre, Buenos Aires) byl argentinský fotbalista a trenér argentinské fotbalové reprezentace.Všeobecně je považován za jednoho z nejlepších a nejtalentovanějších světových hráčů všech dob. Widely regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of the sport, he was one of the two joint winners of the FIFA Player of the 20th Century award. Diego Maradona, in full Diego Armando Maradona, (born October 30, 1960, Lanus, Buenos Aires, Argentina—died November 25, 2020, Tigre, Buenos Aires), Argentine football (soccer) player who is generally regarded as the top footballer of the 1980s and one of the greatest of all time. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names bab.la is not responsible for their content. [9] He was released on 12 November after successful surgery. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. November 2020, einem Mittwoch. Contextual translation of "wie alt ist philip" into English. [8] A day later, he had emergency brain surgery to treat a subdural hematoma. Wie alt ist Julien Bam? Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several … Die Frage stellen sich immer wieder Fans. Maradona tricks and skills videos of the best soccer, football players ever, Diego Maradona dominated 1986 World Cup after position switch – Jonathan Wilson – SI.com, Diego Maradona – Profile of Soccer Player Diego Maradona, "Football legend Diego Maradona admitted to hospital with signs of depression", "Argentina great Maradona to have emergency brain surgery", "Diego Maradona discharged from clinic following successful brain surgery", "Diego Maradona: Argentina legend dies aged 60", "Diego Armando Maradona - International Appearances", https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Diego_Maradona&oldid=7285546, Articles using Template:Medal with Winner, Articles using Template:Medal with Runner-up, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License, * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only. Directed by Asif Kapadia. Argentiniens Präsident Alberto Fernandez ordnete eine dreitägige Staatstrauer an. Now try to understand the dialogue with the help of the following list of vocabulary. Since Maradona retired, people have been anticipating someone to lead the Argentine national team to a World Cup final, like Maradona did twice.. As a consequence, very talented youngsters are … (A complete translation is given in the answers to the next problems.) dict.cc German-English Dictionary: Translation for Wie alt bist du He is regarded as one of the best footballers of all time. Wir wissen wie alt Julien Bam ist! The World Cup made Maradona the most famous soccer player after Pele from Brazil. Once he controlled the ball for more than half of the entire field, beating English defenders, he kicked the ball off his left leg into the net, juking out the goalkeeper. [7] At age 25, Diego Maradona was the main figure of Argentina's drive to its 1986 World Cup. At age 25, Diego Maradona was the main figure of Argentina's drive to … The content of this flash activity can be viewed in this HTML alternative. New Maradona or New Diego is a title given by the press and public to promising Argentine football players in reference (and reverence) to the late Diego Maradona as a benchmark. He was nicknamed El Diez, Pelusa, El Diego and El pibe de oro. A documentary on Argentinean soccer star Diego Maradona, regarded by many as the world's greatest modern player. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Writer sparks backlash for calling Jill Biden 'kiddo' 'Christmas Star' to appear for first time in centuries Translations in context of "wie alt ist sie" in German-English from Reverso Context: Eine Betreuerin, wie alt ist sie denn? Read and listen to the following dialogue between two students: Franz and Greta. Er ist zehn Jahre alt. Diego Maradona, geboren 1960, war ein argentinischer Fußballspieler. Constructed from over 500 hours of never-before-seen footage, this documentary centers on the career of celebrated football player Diego Maradona… Contextual translation of "wie alt ist hans" from German into Portuguese. He was nicknamed El Diez, Pelusa, El Diego and El pibe de oro. He is ten years old. Question: Q: WO KANN ICH SEHEN WIE ALT MEIN IPAD IST, WO KANN ICH SEHEN WIE ALT MEIN IPAD IST More Less. Diego Armando Maradona Franco (30 October 1960 – 25 November 2020) was an Argentine football player and manager. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Renowned for his ability to control the ball and create scoring opportunities for himself and … He won the World Cup in Mexico in the year of 1986. Nekrolog 2020: Im letzten Jahr verstorbene Prominente, Wikipedia: Diego Maradona in der freien Enzyklopädie, Deutsches Historisches Museum: Jahreschronik des Geburtsjahres 1960 von Diego Maradona, Infos zu Bildmaterial und Lizenzen auf geboren.am ›. Diego Maradona hatte eine Körpergröße von etwa 1,65 Meter. Fame. ┌→ Info aufklappen ←┐Wie alt ist eigentlich Ash? Contextual translation of "wie alt ist deine schwester" from German into Russian. He is regarded as one of the best footballers of all time. YOU: du - Sie . I'm twenty years old. Diego Maradona verstarb im vergangenen Jahr am 25. German-speakers tend to be much more formal than English-speakers. expand_more How old are you? Context sentences for "Wie alt bist du?" How old are you?