Please organize your stay at Trier University as early as possible. Contained therein are the courses that you intend to participate in at Trier University. Incoming students are welcome to come to Trier (as long as there are no travel restrictions) and attend all types of courses  (online, onsite and blended). Please note that the onsite/face-to-face courses will have strikt limitation of seats available (due to Corona restrictions), which might mean that students will not be able to attend all courses as planned if these are already full. Here you find a list of all programmes and a link to your department. Ortwin ELLE, Research Assistant of Universität Trier, Trier | Read 25 publications | Contact Ortwin ELLE Furthermore, the lists include the most important dates and deadlines as well as your direct point of contact at Trier University. !In consequence we cannot guarantee that exchange students will be able to earn a fixed amount of ECTS credits (eg. At the end of your stay at Trier University you will receive a Transcript of Records. Browse, discover, and download 3D objects and scenes. Etwa 12.500 Studierende und insgesamt rund 2.000 Beschäftigte lernen, arbeiten und forschen auf dem Campus in Höhenlage über der Stadt. 16K likes. 30 credits) per semester! You can find similar websites and websites using the same design template.. has an estimated worth of 149,414 USD. The balance between research and teaching, the university's increasing internationalization and interdisciplinary cooperations characterize many of the courses and degree programs. Poly lets you quickly find 3D objects and scenes for use in your apps, and it was built from the ground up with AR and VR development in mind. To do upon arrival Here you’ll find information on enrolment at Trier University, on registering in Trier, on the residents’ permit, on health insurance and on opening a direct deposit account as well as emergency numbers for medical assistance. Willkommen auf der Seite der Trierer Slavistik! Dates and Deadlines A list of application deadlines as well as semester dates. & Jan-Patrick Proost M.A. Please ask the lecturer. The SAE 2011 will take place in Trier, the oldest city of Germany. To facilitate the organization of your stay in Trier, we have put together lists of what you need to do before and after getting to Trier. Browse, discover, and download 3D objects and scenes. Informazioni per gli studenti Erasmus di UNI-TRIER, Universität Trier, Treviri, Germania: i blog, le esperienze e le foto. If this is a requirement for your stay set by your home university, please contact your home university to make sure that your stay is possible even under this condition! During the introductory course you will get the ZIMK (Zentrum für Informations-, Medien- und Kommunikationstechnologie = Centre for information, media and communication technology) password that is necessary to register. E-Mail: International Office Universität Trier D-54286 Trier, Studieren mit chron. The Erasmus Coordinator of your department (or the International Office in case of ISEP programmes and exchange programmes with North American partner universities) will confirm the courses you participated in, the examinations taken and the ECTS credits awarded. Courses are weekly for 90 minutes each and encompass 2 weekly lecture hours (SWS). Kontaktpersonen und Termine Universität Luxemburg & Universität Trier.pdf 300.49 kB University The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual, international research university in … You will be able to sign up for courses only after you are fully enrolled.Detailed information will be send to all nominated exchange students! The best known building of this age is the Porta Nigra (Black Gate). Benjamin GWIASDA of Universität Trier, Trier | Contact Benjamin GWIASDA More. 172 likes. Università degli studi di Bergamo via Salvecchio 19 24129 Bergamo Cod. 184 likes. But students can also choose to attend the courses offered online only and stay in their home country – please ask your home university for permission in case you would like to choose this option! But students can also choose to attend the courses offered online only and stay in their home country – please ask your home university for permission in case you would like to choose this option! Erkrankung / Behinderung. The number of ECTS credits varies for the different courses and is dependent on the work required on the course. Georg MUELLER-FUERSTENBERGER of Universität Trier, Trier | Read 47 publications | Contact Georg MUELLER-FUERSTENBERGER Mi piace: 2497. Dies ist die offizielle Seite der Hochschule Trier (Trier University of Applied Sciences) The Erasmus coordinators in the different subjects can help you choose the right classes in your department. Get complete details of the undergraduate programs offered by Universität Trier including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information. At the beginning of your studies abroad – or maybe even before – you set up a Learning Agreement between your home university and Trier University. Die Universität Trier ist eine mittelgroße staatliche Universität in der rheinland-pfälzischen Stadt Trier an der Mosel. See traffic statistics for more information.. All departments are active in … The university course catalogue provides an overview of all courses that are offered in the different departments. First chose your faculty and then your department. Studieren und forschen in der ältesten Stadt Deutschlands - auf einem jungen und dynamischen Campus im Grünen mit 13.000 Studierenden. Since its beginnings in 1970, Universität Trier has been developing into a major academic center in a region characterized by its proximity to Belgium, France and Luxemburg. Gemeinsam möchten wir uns für eine multikulturelle und weltoffene Universität Trier einsetzen. Internationale Liste Universität Trier. Studieren und forschen in der ältesten Stadt Deutschlands - auf einem jungen und dynamischen Campus im Grünen mit 13.000 Studierenden. Universität Wien. Fiscale 80004350163 P.IVA 01612800167 Centralino 035 2052111 Courses offered onsite will not be offered online as well. Hosted on IP address . Erkrankung / Behinderung. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Please click on the respective picture to get the corresponding information. Once you have chosen a programme of study, you may select different types of courses to get to a more specific class. Gegründet im Jahr 1473 und 1798 unter französischer Besatzung nach 325-jährigem Bestehen geschlossen, wurde sie 1970 neu eröffnet. Universidad de Sevilla . ... Universität Trier Universitätsring 15 D-54296 Trier Tel. : +49 (0)651/201-0 Janina Kröner M.A. There are different types of courses in Germany. Universität Trier - Slavistik, Trier, Germany. Trier University offers a variety of Bachelor's as well as Master's programmes of study. Sapienza Università di Roma. You must register electronically for the courses (PORTA). Mi piace: 16.414. Universität Trier, Trier, Germany. Universität Trier, Trier, Germany. E-Mail: International Office Universität Trier D-54286 Trier, Studieren mit chron. Universität Trier . Universität Trier (UT) Trier University is a young, dynamic university with a clear focus on training young academics. The picturesque valley of the river Moselle with its flourishing vineyards gave already the Roman emperors a good reason to stay in Trier. The orientation programme for international students facilitates your integration into the student life in Trier. The most important ones are the lecture (by a professor), the seminar (lecturer and students work on a topic interactively) and the practical tutorial (in-depth development of a topic by students). Get inspired by the variety of courses at Trier University At Trier University you can choose from a wide offer of courses to complement your studies and beyond with a German perspective according to your expectations. Trier University – a modern higher education institution rich in tradition Trier University is a young, dynamic university with a clear focus on training young academics. Hochschule Trier, Trier. At Trier University you earn ECTS points for courses. The course catalouge for winter semester will be published in July 2020, for summer semester 2021 in February 2021. Poly lets you quickly find 3D objects and scenes for use in your apps, and it was built from the ground up with AR and VR development in mind. Project Coordination Prof. Dr. Marietta Horster. Project Management Dr. Erika Fischer Laura Kopp-Zimmermann, M.A. Trier University offers a variety of Bachelor's as well as Master's programmes of study. Here you find a list of your ECTS contact persons of all departments. All departments are active in research and benefit from robust international networks. As long as the course offer is uncertain, we will be unable to sign Learning Agreements or to confirm whether a certain course is offered and in which form. To do before entering Germany It is important to not only organize your study place at Trier University but also your visa, funding of your stay, accommodation as well as your arrival and all necessary documents as early as possible. Willkommen auf der Seite der Trierer Slavistik! © Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma Website Analysis (Review) has 34,587 daily visitors and has the potential to earn up to 4,150 USD per month by showing ads. Contact Your point of contact at Trier University: Ms. Janina Kröner & Jan-Patrick Proost (Incoming Students Coordinators), Janina Kröner M.A. The course offer in winter semester 2020/21 and summer semester 2021 is modified: A certain number of courses is offered online only (probably the majority), others onsite and some through a mix of online and onsite classes (blended teaching) - as far as the situation and current legislation allows. & Jan-Patrick Proost M.A. Hereyou find a list of all programmes and a link to your department. Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz. 12 were here.