Local politicians said the arrest was “unbelievable” and “inhuman.”, In June 2017, Parliament passed the NetzwerkDurchsetzungsGesetz (Network Enforcement Act or “NetzDG”). While police look the other way when “refugees” commit real crimes, the government takes action when Germans dissent online. Celebrities, NGOs, and members of Islamic interest groups make similar comments. Meanwhile, the mainstream press smears those who protest against immigration while the government surveils and harasses them — especially the German Identitarian Movement, now classified by law as “a verified extreme right movement.” Employees of all kinds know that their comments, their political affiliations, and their online activities can be monitored and serve as cause to fire them. The law also requires that companies store all deleted content for 10 weeks in case the government needs it as evidence in court. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Group Availability. Important politicians want new laws that would require websites, including social media and email providers, to give user passwords to the government on request. married foreign soldiers and moved abroad, The Mobile Counsel against Right-wing Extremism’s website, while the government surveils and harasses them, monitored and serve as cause to fire them, 17-year-old refugee saves girls from attackers, Refugee saves the lives of crash victims in Osnabrück, Refugee saves young man from drowning in the reservoir, Syrian refugees rescue NPD politicians from destroyed car, Former refugees receive A-levels – touching video, From Refugee to High School Graduate – the Story of Khadija Alakhras, African Immigrants Are Often Among the Better Educated, Most Refugees Bring With Them Strong Basic Democratic Attitudes, was raped and killed by an Afghani refugee, a Syrian refugee knifed a German man to death, Today, its share of the world’s GDP is just 3.5 percent, every year since then has still been higher than in 2014, Two 15-Year-Old Schoolgirls Are Gang Raped by Ten Men on a Park Bench >, Verified Hate: Invading Vaccine Armies Edition, The Libertarian Case Against Open Borders, Immigration in the Age of Multiculturalism. He asked attendees of Maria’s funeral not to bring flowers, but instead to donate to a “a church project in Bangladesh.” He and his wife established The Maria Ladenburger Foundation, which among other things, helps “foreign students with their integration into college” at the University of Freiburg, where Maria was studying before her death. Call +17038360692, © 2021 Five Star Alliance | Terms | Privacy Policy. . Critics on both the Left and the Right warned that this law was a possibly unconstitutional overreach that would limit freedom of expression. We are currently checking availability and rates. The population of Germans will then be around 20 million.” In 2017, a young leftist politician asked for “anti-German” film recommendations on Facebook, specifically “basically everything where Germans die.” Another female politician, Hamburg Parliamentarian Stefanie von Berg, proclaimed, “in 20, 30 years there will no longer be a [German] majority in our city . The press claimed these protests were headed by the “far-right” and filled with lowlifes. By 2015, 30 percent of the children in Germany under age five had a foreign background. They fear an upload filter and censorship. Wir begrüßen alle neuen Erdenbürger. Hundreds of protesters gathered and marched in Chemnitz with some shouting slogans such as ”Merkel must go.” (Credit Image: © Kevin Voigt / Xinhua via ZUMA Wire). No-go also means “no-tell.” When public servants leak reports or even discuss immigrant crimes, they can be demote or disgraced. Then she throws the miniature German flag into the trash. Willkommen im Literaturhaus Hamburg. By 1977, the country had one of the lowest birthrates in the world, similar to those of the Japanese and the Italians, the two other losers of World War II: 1.4 children per German woman. Germans can also report online hate speech directly to the police. Mit Ihren Anmeldedaten können Sie bequem unseren Online Kundenservice nutzen. The luxury travel experts at Five Star Alliance are available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Feel welcome to our elegant and luxurious hotel where we will make your stay an unforgettable experience. Reservations booked under the "5 Star Signature Package" rate will also include continental breakfast for two daily, a private tour of the wine cellar, and a private tour of Kenmare in a vintage Buick. It took barely 20,000 Englishmen to subjugate India, about 2,500 Spaniards to dismantle the Aztec Empire, and only a few shiploads of convicts to civilize Australia. Hootsuite - Social Media Management. Great rates, stunning photos and easy, secure booking. Cities, districts, and municipalities earn large sums of money from regional governments to support each immigrant they take in. We help you to help yourselves on-site: prompt, competent, and confidential. Meanwhile, 80 percent of the reports resulted in criminal investigations. In major cities such as Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, 50 percent were foreign. That was 38.5 percent of the 2,369,036 crime suspects. With the initiative ‘Tracking instead of just deleting’ perpetrators are being taken out of anonymity in order to counter racist opinion-making.” Journalist Wolfgang Janisch reported on how this system works: In order to facilitate criminal prosecution, the prosecutors meet three to four times a year with the media staff to discuss legal delimitations: What are the characteristics of sedition? At first, she said they were German, but later admitted to lying, and that the attackers “were speaking Arabic or Farsi.” Her excuse was that she hadn’t wanted to cause “more hatred against migrants in Germany.” Even the police cover up immigrant crime — mostly drugs, theft, and human trafficking — for fear of being called “anti-immigrant.” The Code of Criminal Procedures also forbids using DNA analysis to determine the ethnicity of a suspect — even if that would help an investigation. With Hootsuite, you can monitor keywords, manage multiple Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Foursquare profiles, … Over the course of the following decades, the number of German births halved, from 1.3 million newborns in 1965 to 682,000 in 2013. How could it come to this? According to official sources, by July 2020, the Federal Republic of Germany had 11.23 million foreign-passport holders: 12.5 percent of its population. (Credit Image: © Alexander Pohl / NurPhoto via ZUMA Press). People who dissent from the status quo suffer consequences. And yet, simply recognizing that we are a country of immigration is not enough. Reservations booked under the "5 Star Signature Package" rate or "Best Available Rate" will also include full breakfast for two daily in Morelands Grill and Afternoon Tea for two once per stay. That is a good thing!”, May 26, 2016 – Hamburg, Germany – Architect Joachim Reinig , Head of the Al Nour parish Daniel Abdin and Stefanie von Berg posing at the construction site of the new mosque in Hamburg-Horn. Greater restrictions on free speech and the internet are almost certain. Action has to be taken by the state, which has the responsibility to organize society so that we can live together.” — President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, August 2018. Unofficially, there is one set of laws for natives and another for foreigners. In a scene in a soap opera, Hotel Heidelberg, an elderly hostess scolds a group of German businessmen who placed their black-red-gold paper pennant on her beer table. Though the number of new arrivals every year has gone down since the 2015, every year since then has still been higher than in 2014: Angela Merkel has been Chancellor since 2005, and the entire political class is in agreement about immigration: The more, the better. Then, after the refugee has gotten housing, healthcare, schooling, lawyers, job-training, language courses, transportation, and more, the government sends the bills, totaling tens of thousands of euros, to the unsuspecting sponsor, often an old white widow. In 2018, Bild reported that in Berlin, the most popular name for male newborns was Mohammed. All reservations booked under the "5 Star Signature Package" rate or "Best Available Bed and Breakfast" rate will also include full Irish breakfast daily for two, an 85 Euro food and beverage credit per room/per stay, complimentary green fees daily, and complimentary WiFi. No person is safe: a youth soccer coach, volunteer firefighters, comedian Otto Walkes, TV personality Thomas Gottschalk, former diplomat Jörg von Uthmann, et al. 2006 zunächst als Sparte gegründet, etablierte sich SV Hotel … Keine Ausgabe verpassen; Kostenlose Zustellung; 2 Tage vor der Kioskausgabe bei Ihnen; Digital-Upgrade. Expected Attendance: 125 Event Recap. Einmal anmelden - alles im Blick. Negative reporting on these areas is taboo. Dr. Ladenburger, a bureaucrat for the EU, had been a promoter of mass immigration before his daughter’s death, and remained one after. NEW! After professor of population studies and immigration Rolf Peter Sieferl committed suicide in 2016, the newspaper Der Spiegel removed his book Finis Germania, (The End of Germany) from its bestseller list because of “antisemitic and historically revisionist” content. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. All guests making reservations with Five Star Alliance will also receive an Estate Tour, full breakfast for each guest daily in Lady Helen Restaurant or through room service, a room category upgrade based on availability, and Afternoon Tea for two per room/per stay. But death is no escape. Since March she has assisted refugees – mostly (81 percent) young men and families from Syria. Thorsten J. Pattberg, American Renaissance, February 5, 2021, (Credit Image: © Wolfgang Kumm/DPA via ZUMA Press), “The people are everyone who lives in this country.” — Chancellor Angela Merkel, February 2017, “We’ve been arguing for too long whether our country is a country of immigration. Citizens considered family, marriage, and motherhood sacred. Sonnabend 14:00Uhr. In 2019, the government spent €23.1 billion to accommodate and integrate refugees. The award recognizes individuals who, in addition to their actual profession, also perform outstandingly for society. Germans can snitch on their politically incorrect fellow citizens through various websites. . The fall in crime in 2017 was because that year the government stopped tallying violations of the Residence Act, the Asylum Procedure Act, and the Free Movement Act, immigration laws that can only be broken by non-Germans. Freiburg Mayor Dieter Salomon urged Germans, “not to draw generalized conclusions from the suspect’s origin and regard [the incident] as an isolated one instead.”, 13 March 2019, Berlin: The parents of the killed Freiburg student Maria, Friederike and Clemens Ladenburger, hold the Bürgerpreis of the German newspapers in their hands. 22765 Hamburg. Five Star Alliance is offering special deals and packages. The “crème de la crème” of Sofitel, Sofitel Legend addresses bring French art de vivre and elegance to life through each hotel’s own unique heritage and timeless backdrop. Presserat, “the body responsible for enforcing the voluntary self-regulation of the press in Germany,” recommends: When reporting on criminal offenses, care must be taken to ensure that mentioning that the suspect or perpetrator belongs to an ethnic, religious or other minority group does not lead to a discriminatory generalization of individual misconduct. Ihre Abo-Vorteile. No place for racism” (Credit Image: © Boris Roessler / DPA via ZUMA Press). Hamburg, Germany: ... London: Renaissance London Heathrow Hotel . Gehirnwäsche par excellence. ISO-certifierad Kontakta leverantör; Besiktning av fallskydd The federal government further investigated the intelligence services, police, and military, and partially dissolved the KSK commando force, claiming to have found “right-wing extremism in its ranks.”, Protesters attend a demonstration in Chemnitz, eastern Germany, on Nov. 16, 2018. The fact is that immigration is taking place because we’ve asked people time and again to come. The government often allots money for immigrant aid without much discretion, and unscrupulous people in both the private and public sectors cash in. Reservations booked under the "5 Star Signature Package" rate will also include daily breakfast, a $100 food and beverage credit per room/per stay (excludes alcohol) and an automatic room category upgrade at the time of booking based on availability. . In major cities such as Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, 50 percent were foreign. Die Pressestelle Kreis Viersen Pressestelle ist Mitglied bei presse-service.de [ www.presse-service.de].Dort können Sie Mitteilungen weiterer Pressestellen recherchieren und als RSS-Feed oder E-Mail abonnieren. Schools teach “anti-racism.” New programs inform pupils about the evils of whiteness and the historical guilt they should feel. By 2015, 30 percent of the children in Germany under age five had a foreign background. Special offers are available at this hotel but are only available after being unlocked. In der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft des Hotels lädt die „Sachsen-Therme“ mit … Parliament passed it anyway. Police have knelt before Black Lives Matter protesters. Tjänster. . Leftists pressure the government to deport even fewer. Reservations booked under the "5 Star Signature Package" rate or "Best Available Rate" will also include full breakfast for each guest daily in The Park Restaurant and a champagne afternoon tea for two once during stay. Poet Susanne Kablitz committed suicide one day after she declared the country “irredeemably” lost. . Das Hotel, mit 37 komfortablen Zimmern, liegt inmitten der Altstadt von Heidelberg. . While the media demonizes whites, it lionizes refugees and immigrants: As of mid-2018, every major news organ either closed its comment sections or hired moderators to ensure nothing too critical of the government stays up for long. Januar bis 14. Hannelore Hoger dafür hergeben, ist eine absolute Schande. Hotels.com is a leading online accommodation site. Telefon: 040 39 10 70. {"isLivePersonChatUpgradeEnabled":true,"ssrBaseName":"/csn-search-app/v1/content","enableLogToServer":true,"brandPageSiteEditorServiceBase":"https://brand … A constant “brain drain” — the emigration of the best and brightest — was a problem in both East and West Germany. The contents of this website are copyright © 1990-2021 New Century Foundation. Renaissance Charleston Historic District Hotel - Charleston Renaissance Downtown Hotel, Dubai - Dubai Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa at Indian Wells - Indian Wells With nearly 300 guestrooms and 10,000 square feet of flexible meeting space, the Magnolia is the optimum blend of past and present, as well as business and pleasure. Sämtliche Texte und Fotos können unter Angabe der Quelle frei veröffentlicht werden, Belegexemplare sind willkommen. This wasn’t enough; within three months he retired. After Thilo Sarrazin, a member of the executive board of the German Central Bank, wrote a book about the problems of mass immigration, Germany Abolishes Itself, the Social Democrats expelled him from their party, and he was fired from the bank. There have also been over 100,000 abortions a year since 1996. Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), the state broadcaster, announced, “The demographic figures show with sober mercilessness: The Germans are dying out” and tweeted, “There is no racism against whites.” Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s state-owned international broadcaster, reported that “in 2060 the [immigrant] share of metropolitan areas could be 70 percent.” Martin Schulz, a Social Democrat, said that is nothing to worry about: “What the refugees bring to us is more valuable than gold.”, Markus Söder, a leading Christian Democrat, informed his talk-show audience that “Islam was part of Bavaria!” and EU-parliamentarian Vural Öger predicted: “In the year 2100 there will be 35 million Turks in Germany. Post-war Germany also saw an exodus of women: Tens of thousands of German women married foreign soldiers and moved abroad. Others want the penalties for online hate speech increased, from the current maximum jail sentence of one year to three or five, and to expand the definition of “online threat” to include not just physical harm, but threats of property damage as well. – Use Messenger To Get Faster Results Get Exclusive Complimentary Perks on Bookings at some of the World's Best Hotels! In 2016, three men raped Selin Gören, a leftist politician with Turkish roots. Widerlich! pic.twitter.com/6nBtXFogvv, — Andreas Patzwahl (@APatzwahl) August 22, 2020. The government closed one website, xyeinzelfall.de (archived here), that reported on crime in immigrant areas, and Big Tech appears to be manipulating search results so as not to return politically incorrect descriptions. ), Ausschnitt aus der @DasErste Serie: „Hotel Heidelberg“. Hier haben Sie jederzeit Zugriff auf Ihre Abonnements, können den Urlaubsservice buchen und uns Ihre Anliegen zur Bestellung, Zahlung und Prämien mitteilen. Das H4 Hotel Leipzig. Berliners can go to Berliner-register.de to report “discriminatory incidents,” including the “structural” ones that happen “in all walks of life.” The Mobile Counsel against Right-wing Extremism’s website (available in Turkish): . Auf der Grundlage der vom 11. Die Verantwortlichen beschreiben, was ihrer Ansicht nach hinter dem Erfolg steckt. Palacio Can Marques, 5 Star Boutique Hotel in a City Palace in the old town of Palma de Mallorca All reservations booked under the "5 Star Signature Package" rate or "Stay More Winter Rate" or "Midweek Special Rate" will also include a full Irish Breakfast for each guest daily, complimentary airport transfer from Dromoland Castle to the Shannon Airport, and a guaranteed room upgrade at booking based on availability. German fertility, 1960–2015. Restaurants won’t serve them, hotels won’t host them, banks won’t have them. May Angela Merkel’s “New Germany” serve as a warning to whites everywhere. This Luxury Hotel, in a 18th Century City Palace welcomes you with a historic patio, garden, roof top terraces and 13 luxury, individually designed suites from 40-400 m². Even if a nationalist were elected chancellor, the government would have to fight the European Union over immigration policy. Daß sich deutsche Schauspieler u.a. In some places, such as Schleswig-Holstein, police have even been instructed not to arrest “refugees” for low-level offenses. As a rule, the affiliation should not be mentioned unless there is a justified public interest. We've developed a suite of premium Outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. Herzlich Willkommen im schönsten historischen Bürgerhaus von Heidelberg - Hotel Zum Ritter St. Georg. The report was quickly deleted from the government website, but not before it circulated on the internet. Note: This is showing all tagged hotels with respective promotions. According to the Die Gruene party, Hamburg needs more mosques. All guests making reservations with Five Star Alliance receive full breakfast for each guest daily in Minstrels Gallery and once per stay an afternoon tea for 2 guests in the Minstrels Gallery. As the Turkish-German Deniz Yücel put it: “The speedy departure of the Germans is a beautiful Völkersterben [the death of a people].”, Some schools have banned the German flag. Um unsere Webseite für Sie optimal zu gestalten und fortlaufend verbessern zu können, verwenden wir Cookies. The German television station Welt reports, “Germans are much more likely to be victims of a crime committed by an immigrant than the other way around,” but its YouTube video about this explains that “due to the high volume of unobjective and offensive posts, we can currently no longer allow comments.” Even after the infamous New Year’s sexual assaults in 2015/2016, largely committed by immigrants, Germans still blame themselves. Criminal aliens are rarely deported. So when it comes to booking the perfect hotel, vacation rental, resort, apartment, guest house, or tree house, we’ve got you covered. 18 - 21 Jun 2018 . The North Rhine-Westphalian Police website proudly states, “Hate postings on social media platforms are consistently prosecuted instead of just being deleted. Located in Condado, this beachfront hotel is in the city center and within a 5-minute walk of Parque La Ventana al Mar and Casino del Mar at La Concha Resort. In my cautious assessment, there are good reasons to believe that this is deliberate misinformation to distract the public from the Chemnitz murder.” The Left was so outraged that Chancellor Merkel reassigned Mr. Maaßen. (Credit Image: © Hendrik Schmidt / DPA via ZUMA Press). oben. Discover the luxury hotel experts. Die Städtisches Klinikum Magdeburg - Babygalerie. Check out our most recent digital magazines, enter our sweepstakes and sign-up for emails, and submit your offer ID for detailed information. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. On July 13, 2016, the Ministry of Interior launched a “Day of action to combat hate postings.” In order to crack down on “racist” and “xenophobic” comments, police raided 60 homes in 14 Lander (states). 2,031 Followers, 306 Following, 86 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Feltet.dk (@feltet.dk) Doch nicht nur Autoren und Autorinnen … If employers hire young refugees, the government not only pays for social security and training costs, but also covers part of their monthly salaries. That means the number of foreigners is now 21.58 million, or 26 percent of the population. Enterprising leftists have created “denunciation networks,” such as Belltower.News, CorrectIV, DsiN, Klicksafe, and Stiftung Digitale Chancen that call for denunciations of supposedly hateful content and the people who post it. Reservations booked under the "5 Star Signature Package" rate will also include full Irish Breakfast for each guest daily in Citron Restaurant, a 30 Euros food and beverage credit per stay, complimentary WiFi, and a welcome amenity. Between 1900 and 2020, the world population increased from 1.6 billion to 8 billion, while the German population – excluding its 21.58 million foreigners – fell from 80 million in 1940 to 61 million today. Photo Gallery. the easiest way to backup and share your files with everyone. Reservations booked under the "5 Star Signature Package" rate will also include a 75 Euro lunch voucher for Trump's Bar & Restaurant per stay. Registration will give us the ability to inform you by email when a document is added or modified. The government and mainstream media worried about how whites would react, and circulated reports that Germans were now “hunting” for immigrants to punish. As in the Anglosphere, nothing is safe from the “racist” label or the accusation of being too white: the national handball team, college fraternities, German words for foreign things, Otto von Bismarck, Immanuel Kant, an upscale discotheque in Bayreuth, the Berlin State Ballet, pharmacies with “Moor” in their name, street names, displays of the three wise men, etc. Expand your Outlook. We assist you with any issues that might arise when dealing with racist, anti-Semitic or other inhuman forms of discrimination.