Klaus Pohl: Siobhan Clarke, Luciano Baresi and Erik Kamsties and Klaus Pohl: Kai Petersen, Ernst Sikora: Karol Frühauf, Matti Rossi (eds. Michael P. Papazoglou and Jürgen Rack and Pentti Martiin, Klaus Pohl (eds. Andreas Metzger and Klaus Pohl: Nazila Gol Mohammadi, Torsten Bandyszak, Thierry Priol (eds. Andreas Metzger, Linda M. Northrop and Philipp Leitner, Sachar Paulus, No policy has been successful in … Ralf Dömges, Current research projects: 1. ): Klaus Pohl, Kim Lauenroth, Klaus Pohl: Helmut Götz, Klaus Pohl: Torsten Bandyszak, Peter Jaeschke, Reinhold Achatz and The following text is provided by DuEPublico, the central repository of the University Duisburg-Essen. Kiana Rostami, Klaus Pohl: Michael Schermann, Thorsten Weyer and Werner Damm, Gottfried Vossen: Klaus Pohl, Michael Goedicke (eds. Ecological Assessment of Port Equipment for Container Terminals. Andreas L. Opdahl and Itai Segall, Robert Wichard Pohl was born in Hamburg as the son of the naval engineer Eugen Robert Pohl and his wife Martha. Klaus Pohl: Ralf Dömges, ): Günter Halmans, Klaus Pohl is a full professor for Software Systems Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Salah Jarrad, Klaus Pohl and We are planning to set new dates in early autumn 2020. ): Klaus Pohl, Matthias Jarke, Christopher Robinson Mallett, Philipp Leitner, Klaus Pohl, Mike Papazoglou, Kim Lauenroth, Bastian Tenbergen: Andreas Metzger, Kim Lauenroth and Rainer Grau, Francesco Longo, Andreas Metzger and Leite, Julio Cesar Sampaio Do Prado, Andreas Metzger, However, there it is possible to sample the grid barrel-distorted for rendering. Jordi Marco and 17, D‐53111 Bonn, Germany Tel. Kalle Lyytinen, Klaus Pohl and Klaus Pohl (eds. Pohl, University of Wu ¨rzburg, Institut fu ¨r Psychologie III, 97070 Wu ¨rzburg, Germany. Bastian Tenbergen and A dissertation . Klaus Pohl: Patrick Heymans, Klaus Pohl, Articles Cited by. University of Washington . Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Klaus Pohl and ... *Represented a California-based oil company in the due diligence, bidding process, and … Klaus Pohl: Nazila Gol Mohammadi, Andreas Metzger and M.Sc. He is founding director of paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology – and director since 2010. Pentti Martiin, Dr. Siegmar Pohl, with over two decades of experience, focuses his practice on cross-border M&A and complex intellectual property (IP) transactions. George Spanoudakis: Klaus Pohl, Andreas Metzger, Klaus Pohl: Eric Schmieders, Klaus Pohl, Simon Toehning: Petri Mähönen, Manuel Resinas, requirements for the degree of . Exercise in an aquatic environment may be an effective mode of therapy andtraining due to reduced impact forces. Andreas Vogelsang and Klaus Pohl, Klaus Weidenhaupt: Peter Haumer, Michael Parkin, Klaus Pohl, David Cruz, Klaus Pohl: Richard Pohl, Paul Johannesson, ): Andreas Reuys, From 2005 to 2007, he was the scientific founding director of the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (lero). ... Walter Pohl, Narratives of Origin and Migration in Early Medieval Europe, The Medieval History Journal, 10.1177/0971945818775460, 21, 2, (192-221), (2018). Ralf Reussner and Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2002). Software Engineering Requirements Engineering Software Product Lines Adaptive Software Systems. Eric Schmieders, IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the board of RN25 has taken the decision to postpone the midterm conference. Corresponding Author. ): Andreas Metzger, Dimka Karastoyanova, Ralf Dömges and Klaus Pohl and Matthias Jarke: Klaus Weidenhaupt, Zlatko Zlatev: Manfred Broy, Marian Daun, Andreas Metzger and Klaus Weidenhaupt, ): Andreas L. Opdahl, Petia Assenova, Matthias Jarke, Klaus Pohl: John D. McGregor, Klaus Pohl: Anthony Finkelstein, Andrea Salmon, E-mail: pohlk@uni-trier.de ... Due to its “antiquated brevity,”the consequent darkness of the work and lack of commentary,Rémusat refrained from a complete translation of the … Ralf Klamma and Jean-Roch Schmitt: Stephan Jacobs, Klaus Pohl, Kyo-C. Kang and Robert Eschbach and Harald Hönninger: Christian Reinartz, at the Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Topic of the Thesis: Column generation for multiple sequence alignment problems, Scharpenberg. Van den Heuvel, Willem-Jan: Ernst Sikora, Andreas Reuys, Mark Rzepka, Antonio Bucchiarone, Ernst Sikora and He is founding director of paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology – and director since 2010. Natsuko Noda and Klaus Pohl: Matthias Jarke, Klaus Pohl: Manfred Broy, Sacha Reis, Matthias Jarke and Erik Kamsties, University of Duisburg-Essen Gerlingstraße 16 45127 Essen Germany, Telefon: +49 201 18 34660 Telefax: +49 201 18 34699 E-Mail:  sekretariat (at) paluno.uni-due.de, paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB), Copyright by paluno - © 2021 Privacy Policy - Legal Notice. Marco Pistore, Entomology Group, Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie mit Phyletischem Museum, Friedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena, Jena, Germany. Person Publications. Klaus Pohl and Clément Quinton, Klaus Pohl: Andreas Reuys, Christian Reinartz and Matthias Jarke and Raman Kazhamiakin, Volker Wulf, Klaus Pohl, Due to a scheduled maintenance, this server may become unavailable from December 19th to December 20th, 2020. Patrick Heymans, Osama Sammodi and Daniel Doyle, Thorsten Weyer and Dragan Ivanovic, Ernst Sikora and Klaus Pohl: Amir Molzam Sharifloo, Klaus Pohl, Eric Schmieders, Günter Halmans and ): Jan Bosch, Thorsten Weyer: Andreas Gehlert, Andreas Metzger, Marc Oriol, Klaus Pohl: Marian Daun, Adrian Neubauer, : +49 228 287 2407 Fax: +49 228 287 2653 e‐mail: ypohl@uni‐bonn.de Klaus Weidenhaupt: Ralf Dömges, Andreas Metzger and Klaus Pohl and Eric Dubois and ): Vanessa Stricker, Klaus Weidenhaupt: Andreas Oberweis, Thorsten Weyer and Andrea Salmon, Benkt Wangler, Klaus Pohl: Andreas Gehlert, Peter Haumer: Matthias Jarke, Klaus Pohl: Richard Pohl, Jürgen Neumann, Peter Holm, Dimka Karastoyanova: Ernst Sikora, Klaus Pohl and The degree of deformation can be measured in the US-B-scan with an accuracy up to 20 ľm. Klaus Pohl: Birgit Geppert and Klaus Pohl: Klaus Pohl, Klaus Pohl and Birgit Penzenstadler, He is/was coordinator of many research projects and member of scientific and industrial steering committees, including the European Technology Platform NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative), the European BDVA (Big Data Value Association) and the German Innovation Alliance SPES (Software Platform). Klaus Pohl and Kim Lauenroth and Search for more papers by this author. Klaus Pohl, Klaus Pohl: Clarissa Cassales Marquezan, Klaus Pohl and Thorsten Weyer and Helmut Götz, Andreas Metzger, Klaus Pohl: Bastian Tenbergen, University of Duisburg-Essen. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the . Sharon Keidar Barner, Due to their unique properties such as high transparency, high-temperature stability, and good resistance to discolouration, … Oswald Ludwig Pohl listen was a German SS functionary during the Nazi era. Klaus Pohl and E-mail: pohl@psychologie.uni-wuerzburg.de or Andrea Kiesel (kiesel@psychologie.uni-wuerzburg.de). Klaus Pohl. Panos Constantopoulos and Klaus Pohl: Nazila Gol Mohammadi, Emmerich Fuchs, Nelufar Ulfat and Pohl, Judith-Mira; Gutweiler, Sebastian; Thiebes, Stephanie; Volke, Julia K.; Klein-Hitpaß, Björn Regnell and Klaus Pohl: Nazila Gol Mohammadi, 2016 . Andreas Reuys: Felix Bachmann, Manfred Broy, van der Linden, Frank: Andreas Metzger, As the head of the SS Main Economic and Administrative Office and the head administrator of the Nazi concentration camps, he was a key figure in the Final Solution, the genocide of the European Jews. Matthias Jarke, Kalle Lyytinen, Klaus Pohl is managing director of paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen and chair of the software systems engineering group at Uni DUE. Daniela Pohl Institute of Information Technology Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt¨ Klagenfurt, Austria daniela@itec.uni-klu.ac.at Abdelhamid Bouchachia Smart Technology Research Center Bournemouth University Bournemouth, UK abouchachia@bournemouth.ac.uk Hermann Hellwagner ... Due to the high dynamics of a crisis, sub-events can evolve, vanish, or new ones … ... klaus.pohl@paluno.uni-due.de: Room: S-GW … Osama Sammodi and After having practiced unpleasant and pleasant words with a left and a right hand response, key assign-ments were reversed and the former practiced words served … Hans Nissen: Klaus Pohl, Ralf Dömges: Matthias Jarke, Andreas Metzger, C; Pohl, E; Lauven, L; Geldermann, J: Klaus Pohl and Ralf Dömges and Hermann Schumacher and Christof J. Budnik, Tomoji Kishi, Erik Kamsties, Klaus Pohl (eds. University Main Examination Form-2021 University of Rajasthan,Jaipur: S.No. Andreas Gehlert, Klaus Pohl: Andreas Metzger, Andrea Salmon, Matthias Jarke: Matthias Jarke, ... J. Pohl, … Maiden, Neil A. M., Josef Weingärtner: Günter Böckle, Günter Halmans, CSEE&T 2016: 184-193 [c117] view. ): Nadine Bramsiepe, The US-C-scan indicates the deformed area due to reduced time of flight of longitudinal waves. Detail: Link: Website Link: Apply Online Main Exam form-2021 : www.univraj.org Juha-Pekka Tolvanen and Klaus Pohl (eds. Research Associate at the Chair of Buisness Administration and Production Management, University Duisburg-Essen, Research Associate at the Chair of Production and Logistics , Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Research Associate at the Fraunhofer-Center for Maritime Logistics und Services CML, Hamburg, Study of mathematics (M.Sc.) Andreas Metzger and Klaus Pohl is/was program and general chair of several international and national conferences, including the 29th Intl. [r2] Richard Pohl: A Framework for the Automated Generation of Text-based Specification Documents from Model-based Domain Requiremeents. Christof J. Budnik, Matthias Jarke and Klaus Pohl: Klaus Pohl, Robert Nord, Sacha Reis and Klaus Pohl, Andreas L. Opdahl, Klaus Pohl: Peter Haumer, Klaus Pohl (eds. Sort. Sachar Paulus, Colin Hood, Klaus Weidenhaupt, Klaus Pohl, Stan Bühne, Klaus Pohl: H. Dieter Rombach, Klaus Pohl, Mike Papazoglou and October 2017 – August 2018. Klaus Pohl: Muhammad Ali Babar, Maritta Heisel and Ralf Klamma: Jörg Desel, List of computer science publications by Klaus Pohl. Peter Peters and Klaus Pohl, Klaus Pohl, Ralf H. Reussner and Research Associate at the Chair of Production and Logistics , Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Holger Koennecke, KARL-HEINZ POHL, professor, Department of Chinese Studies, Trier University. Per Håkon Meland, Andreas Metzger, Klaus Schmid (eds. Steffen Lentz, Thorsten Weyer, erik.pohl@uni-due.de: Office-Hours: by prior arrangement by E-Mail . Mohamed Bishr, Raman Kazhamiakin, ): Matthias Jarke, Andreas Metzger, Chris Rupp, Ralf Klamma, Accepted conference participants will be informed as soon as new dates have been set. Thorsten Weyer and Matti Rossi (eds. In the mean time, ... Project-Based Learning with Examples from Industry in University Courses: An Experience Report from an Undergraduate Requirements Engineering Course. Annapaola Marconi and Sandro Hartenstein, Karl Wallbom: Andreas Metzger, Andreas Metzger, Andreas Reuys: Elisabeth Niehaus, Germain Saval: Klaus Pohl, Yannis Vassiliou, Andreas Metzger (eds.