Neben unseren Wurfmeldungen auf der Welpen Seite, gibt es immer wieder auch ältere Terrier, diese stellen wir hier vor. Full cape markings from head to tail, or a broad collar of white between head and shoulders are encouraged. Faults: undershot or overshot mouths. The ears fold over like most terriers, and the nose and eye are typically black, and the jaw has a good scissors bite. Body: square in appearance when viewed from side i.e. It was owned by Philip Ainsley, a fellow teacher friend of Plummer's. The ears fold over like most terriers, and the nose and eye are typically black, and the jaw has a good scissors bite. The ears fold over like most terriers, and the nose and eye are typically black, and the jaw has a good scissors bite. Here is a picture of her at the European Plummer Terrier Society Annual Show 2009 where she came third in the Best Bitch category. Their square bodies are robust and well proportioned. Typical tri.. Plummer Terrier, Minnesota » Minneapolis The Plummer Terrier is a working terrier. They are often found ferreting; some are found in the beating line on local shoots; occasionally they are used to ground but undoubtedly they are most commonly used in a pack hunting rats. Tricolour Plummer terriers are still produced in small numbers today and whilst registerable with club registrars they are generally not encouraged. Mit einer ganz außergewöhnlichen Erziehungsmethode für Hunde läßt seit 6 Jahren die mobile Hundeschule aufhorchen. 4 talking about this. Tento šlechtitelský klub se nazývá Plummer Terrier Club Of Great Britain. He had a passion for working dogs stemming from his childhood in the mining valleys of South Wales during the early post-war years. Plummer Terriers are primarily Jack Russell Terriers. Curled tails not encouraged. The oldest kennels of … The Plummer Terrier is a working terrier.. It was originally bred by Dr. David Brian Plummer to hunt vermin, especially rats. Es hat sich bei uns bereits ein Züchter aus einem Land eingetragen. Achtung: Es gibt immer wieder Betrüger, die versuchen, Plummer Terrier-Welpen zu verkaufen. See more ideas about terrier, plummer, dogs. Unsoundness, coarseness or displaying a hereditary fault. Facebook group for those interested in the Plummer Terrier. newsletter, wiadomości SMS) przez Grupę OLX sp. The Plummer Terrier is a small-sized cross with a mix of Jack Russell Terrier, Bull Terrier, Fox Terrier, Fell Terrier, and Beagle blood. Plummer Terrier puppies are sometimes available from reputable Plummer Terrier kennels throughout the UK and Ireland. An sich ist er der... Wichtige Gesetze für Hundehalter: geltende Rechte und Pflichten, Hundebuggy - damit ist dein Hund immer dabei. The breed, while unrecognized by any kennel club, is known for its rugged determination and hardiness. Welcome to the Plummer Terrier Registers Sporting Plummer Terrier website. Shoulders and forelegs: strong, well laid back and developed without excessive muscle tone. Their medium-sized ears flop over, though should sit tidily on the head. Rocco Andorfer ist Züchter der Hunderasse Plummer-Terrier in Österreich. The front legs are straight and strong and the tail of the dog is medium and upwards. Diese Zahlen zeigen, dass die Entscheidung... Anhänglicher Familienmensch
His passion for hunting and terrier-type breeds led him to becoming a canine genetics expert which all helped in his development of a hardworking, intelligent terrier that was to become the Plummer. Hind legs - second thigh should be strong and muscular. (xxx) xxx-xxx5 Carina. Plummer Terrier Join your structure with the best technology to keep it intact for a lifetime. We hope you enjoy this introduction to the early beginnings and ensuing development of the breed. z o.o., podmioty powiązane i partnerów biznesowych. The Plummer Terrier is a pleasant companion when it is sufficiently exercised; however if it does not get enough, it may become a nuisance. About 12 to 15 years. £1,200 . Laufhunde, Schweisshunde & verwandte Rassen, 8. A working dog, the Plummer Terrier should have a compact body and must be free from any exaggerated features. A fell terrier was mixed in to improve the overall appearance. The Plummer Terrier can live from 12 to 14 years. Rats, running dogs and Brian Plummer. The Plummer Terrier is a working terrier. After suffering a heart attack in 1985, Plummer moved to Caithness with a plan to breed German shepherd dogs, then finally settled in Abington, in Lanarkshire. Deutschlands Tiermarkt/Tieranzeigen. The Plummer Terrier is a striking dog to look at, its fiery red coat should conform to two distinct patterns collared (a white band around the neck) and caped (only showing white on the throat). Forelegs should be set square and straight and not tied in. Life Expectancy. Affectionate, loyal and trustworthy with family and friends. Plummer had cancer and died in September 2002. The Plummer Terrier Club Welcome to the Plummer Terrier Club website. Further additions included a Jack Russell terrier known as Errol Forsyth's Pip, Alan Thomas's Hamish, and Laddie from the Chiddingfold and Leconfield foxhound kennels. Further outcrosses were introduced along the way. Advertise, Sell, Buy and Rehome Plummer Terrier Dogs and Puppies with Pets4homes Generally a game working dog, the Plummer Terrier is not a Kennel Club breed, and most owners today who work their dogs would prefer that this dog was not part of the Kennel Club yet for a myriad of reasons. Plummer defined a breed standard in 2000. Eyes: dark, prominent and oval, set widely apart. In the early 1980s, during one of the many TV documentaries (Rat hunting man and Lone furrow) about Plummer and his terriers, he said that one day he would like his terriers to be known as Plummer Terriers and recognised by the Kennel Club. General Character: a Plummer Terrier should be strong, hardy, active and adaptable, with terrier characteristics and as much substance as possible. Terriers that do not possess collared or caped markings are labelled shattered, they are perfectly fine as workers, companions but are not classed as good examples of the breed. This breed needs to be taken on a long, daily, brisk walk. Future/Health Issues "While the Plummer Terrier generally breeds true in appearance, the standard is a working terrier standard. Rogues & Running Dogs (1976). They should be heavily coloured and preferably be no more than 14” at the shoulder. Two pups available very strong pups full red male with white socks and chest. Warum der Krebs zwei Scheren hat, weiß jeder, der schon einmal in engerer Verbindung mit dieser Spezies des Tierkreises stand. Its ancestors were different types of terriers including Fox Terriers and Bull Terriers crossed with Jack Russells and Beagles.This breed was originally bred as a working dog and is known for its exceptional hunting abilities paired with loyal, loving and feisty characteristics. Yet should present a bright, alert appearance without displaying any excessive aggression or nervousness. Books. A small terrier appears next to Coker Burks on the sofa. 1,672. phil. The latter are notoriously bad around other dogs so this, most likely, applies to the Plummer Terriers as well. Hocks should be flexed under the body with straight powerful leverage. It is a relatively new breed created by the Welsh breeder Dr. David Plummer for hunting ground vermin and serving as a working dog. Their medium-sized ears flop over, though should sit tidily on the head. V obtížných situacích se umí rozhodnout sám a příliš se na majitele nespoléhá. He added Beagle, Fell Terrier, and Bull Terrier, creating an established and defined individual type.Initially known as the Huddlesford Rat Pack, the breed is now named … Origin: United Kingdom. Report. * Plummer block * Plummer model * Plummer's nail * Plummer syndrome * Plummer terrier * Plummer-Vinson syndrome plumber . 10 days ago. Depth through the heart should be easily spanned by two hands placed just behind the shoulders. Plummer terrier bitch with papers from Plummer society. Coat: short, close and without guard hairs, yet with the ability to withstand weather. See more ideas about Terrier, Plummer, Dogs. Well-versed in breeding, he strove to produce a unique strain of terrier by mixing the Jack Russell Terrier with the Beagle, Fell Terrier, and Bull Terrier.[1]. 78 talking about this. Dive into the various options to choose the right one. Slight bull terrier characteristics are encouraged as is a well defined stop. Initially known as the Huddlesford Rat Pack, the breed is now named after him. PUREBRED PLUMMER TERRIERS ESTABLISHED 1988 100% guaranteed satisfaction or your money back ! Height: maximum height to the shoulder, dog or bitch 14 inches. Der Preis für diese Plummer Terrier-Welpen ist oft sehr niedrig und sie sollen meistens direkt zum Käufer geliefert werden. Diese Methode wurde an über 2.500 Hunden allen Altersstufen und aller Rassen getestet. Depicts Brian Plummer's life including his time in Caithness Scotland. Hindquarters should be lengthy and strong, with a well set on tail. Preferably docked and balanced to the size of the dog. It was originally bred by Dr. David Brian Plummer to hunt vermin, especially rats. Der Plummer-Terrier ist charmant, fröhlich, unerschrocken und robust – ein Hund, den man zum Selbstbewusstsein nicht erst ermuntern muss. Wyrażam zgodę na używanie przez Grupę OLX sp. Povahově je plummerův teriér soběstačný, dominantní, tvrdohlavý, ale také energický, hravý a inteligentní. The Plummer Terrier, a breed of dog that he developed, is named after him. Jun 20, 2019 - Explore Patrick Burns's board "Plummer Terrier" on Pinterest. We have talked about what the Plummer Terrier has in store for you. Plummer terriers and lurcher out rabbiting. Plummer opted for the latter, and by the late 1990s decided that the breed needed a wider gene pool in order to reach its maximum potential. “That’s Stuey, my rescue dog I caught in the middle of a five-lane highway,” she says, proudly. The Plummer Terrier has a strong head with an obvious stop and a powerful jaw. General Character: a Plummer Terrier should be strong, hardy, active and adaptable, with terrier characteristics and as much substance as possible. Lokal. Find Plummer Terrier Dogs and Puppies for sale in the UK near me. The most common serious health fault in this breed is cleft palate, followed by foul mouth, patella luxation and cryptorchidism. Plummer-Terrier Hundezüchter in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz ... Plummer-Terrier Züchter. Alfabetyczna lista ras. Two pups available very strong pups full red male with white socks and chest. His work was carried on by others and the breed standard remains intact. Life Expectancy. Their powerful neck leads smoothly into well-muscled shoulders and straight, parallel limbs. The ears fold over like most terriers, and the nose and eye are typically black, and the jaw has a good scissors bite. Pies rasy Plummer Terrier – historia, użytkowość, wygląd i temperament. The weight of t… Contact us for more information about Plummer Terrier ownership and we will advise you if there are any pups available at present or in the near future. In 1985, he suffered a near-fatal heart attack which resulted in the dispersal of his substantial pack of terriers to friends. Typical tri.. Plummer Terrier, Minnesota » Minneapolis Um unsere Webseite für Sie optimal gestalten, verbessern, Inhalte und Anzeigen personalisieren, Funktionen für soziale Medien anbieten und um Zugriffe auf unsere Webseite analysieren zu können, verwenden wir Cookies. Povaha. Underside of the belly and chest, front and rear legs should be white although flecking is acceptable. Back, hindquarters and hind legs: back and loins, muscular, strong and well coupled, with well defined muscle development. Du möchtest einen Plummer-Terrier Welpen von einem Züchter kaufen? Welcome to the official Plummer Terrier Club Of Great Britain web site where you can find out more about this beautiful breed of terrier, created by the late Brian Plummer, field sports expert and author of more than 35 books. The ears fold over like most terriers, and the nose and eye are typically black, and the jaw has a good scissors bite. These terriers were worked hard and as the breed developed, so too did Plummer's reputation as a breeder of hardy terriers that bred true to type. Alles, was Sie über die Hunderasse Plummer Terrier wissen sollten: Geschichte, Pflege, Fotos, Charakter, Namen und mehr Menü klicken Hunderassen - Alle Hunderassen ( 327 ) Bitte kaufen Sie keine Welpen der Rasse Plummer Terrier oder andere Rassehunde per Vorkasse über Western Union. The Beagle introduced to Plummer's lines in the 1960s was out of Catherine Sutton's Rossut show-bred strain that originated from U.S. imports, brought to the U.K. to tidy up British exhibits. It is unknown if they are suitable for training, other than that for which they are specifically bred (to … Jack Russell Puppy . Früher wurde er für die Rattenjagd gezüchtet. Feb 18, 2018 - Explore Benny nguyen's board "plummer terrier" on Pinterest. This page was last edited on 28 January 2021, at 17:26. Their dark eyes are full of character and sit quite widely apart on the face. He was already well-known in his local neighborhood for going around with a pack of terriers to catch rats, when he decided to create his own terrier breed in the 1970s. General Character: a Plummer Terrier should be strong, hardy, active and adaptable, with terrier characteristics and as … Their tail should be carried high in t… Das sind fast 250.000 niedersächsische Hunde weniger als aktuell bei TASSO gemeldet sind. Their powerful neck leads smoothly into well-muscled shoulders and straight, parallel limbs. Dive into the various options to choose the right one. Performance as an earth dog was and is an essential prerequisite of most, if not all terrier breeds and Plummers are no exception to this rule. Bitte melden Sie Hunde die bereits vergeben wurden direkt an den Webmaster um diese Seite möglichst akzuell zu halten. (xxx) xxx-xxx5 Carina. This breed needs to be taken on a long, daily, brisk walk. Christopher Plummer war einer der vielseitigsten Schauspieler aller Zeiten. Plummer Terrier Information The Plummer Terrier is a very attractive smooth-coated dog with a fiery red and white coat and head, a white collar at the neckline, or a full cape. Er braucht sie, um sich anzuklammern – kein anderes Sternzeichen ist derart anhänglich wie der gefühlsbetonte Krebs. Movement: should be light, energetic, free, true and forcible and cover the ground. Breed standard. Rocco Andorfer ist Züchter der Hunderasse Plummer-Terrier in Österreich.. Zwingername: Österreichischer Klub für Terrier (ÖKfT) Ansprechperson: Rocco Andorfer; Straße: Spargelfeldstraße 1-3 PLZ: 1220 Ort: Wien Land: Österreich Telefon: Diese Funktion ist derzeit deaktiviert. Tytherington, South Gloucestershire | Dogs For Sale by Danielle I have 6 absolutely stunning jack Russel puppies ready for there forever homes. Head either solid colour, or with stripe or badger marked. środków komunikacji elektronicznej oraz telekomunikacyjnych urządzeń końcowych w celu przesyłania mi informacji handlowych oraz prowadzenia marketingu (np. Plummer Terrier puppies are sometimes available from reputable Plummer Terrier kennels throughout the UK and Ireland. In addition, your dog will be in his glory with space to run, hunt and play. The Plummer Terrier has a strong head with an obvious stop and a powerful jaw. The dog requires regular brushing so you can fulfill its grooming needs. Plummer Terriers Puppies. The Plummer Terrier is a relatively new breed created by Brian Plummer in the 1960s in Wales. English. 1,672. Plummer Terriers. All puppies are fully registered and come with all the necessary paper work. A fell terrier was mixed in to improve the overall appearance. In addition, your dog will be in his glory with space to run, hunt and play. Plummer Terrier: The Plummer Terrier is mostly made out of Jack Russell Terrier, with a strong dash of Beagle (added for nose, voice and coat color), and Bull Terrier (added for toughness and head size). Plummer defined a breed standard in 2000. Loose / broken coats not acceptable. Their dark eyes are full of character and sit quite widely apart on the face. No resemblance of bend in front. One who furnishes, fits, and repairs pipes and other apparatus for the conveyance of water, gas, or drainage. Or fluffy s. She is 5years old must go to a good home loves attention and long walks very energetic 1,672. While the Plummer Terrier generally breeds true in appearance, the standard is a working terrier standard. At this point, two distinct types began to develop, the smaller, more snipe-nosed type and the more bully, stronger-headed type. Norfolk terrier pochodzi ze Wschodniej Anglii i uważa się, że jest potomkiem cairn teriera, border teriera i teriera irlandzkiego. The Plummer Terrier is just an average shedder. Work continued and other lines were sought; widening the gene pool enough to be able to limit inbreeding. If you own or are considering owning one of these sporting terriers or simply wish to know more about them, then read on. named amber of the forest very good breeding on both sides of parents very keen little bitch lives outside at stable yard. ‘Terrier- proof’ garden: Secure walled or 6’ panel fencing OH YES! The Plummer Terrier is a very attractive smooth-coated dog with a fiery red and white coat and head, a white collar at the neckline, or a full cape. This one made mostly out of Jack Russell, but also with a strong dash of beagle (added for nose and voice), and bull terrier (added for toughness). It has a smooth coat which is attractive and generally it can be seen in red, brown, wheatish colors with white background. He died on 12 September 2003. Here is a picture of her at the European Plummer Terrier Society Annual Show 2009 where she came third in the Best Bitch category. Plummer Terriers. It is unknown if they are suitable for training, other than that for which they are specifically bred (to chase after rats and to dig holes). Key Breed FactsBreed CharacteristicsBreed HighlightsIntroductionHistoryAppearanceTemperamentIntelligence / TrainabilityChildren and Other PetsHealthCaring for a Plummer TerrierGroomingExerciseFeedingAverage Cost to keep/care for a Plummer TerrierBreed Specific Buying Advice Neck: strong, elegant, especially in the case of bitches, and well carried. The Plummer Terrier dog appears to be small in size and seems sturdy. This page has been created by a small group of like minded individuals dedicated to creating a new generation of healthy, fit for purpose Plummer Terriers, Just like their creator intended. 1232 Züchter aus Österreich wurden im Züchterverzeichnis gefunden. Patterdale terrier pups for sale born on 20th of December will be ready to leave from the 15th of February mum is a smooth hair and dad is a wire haired... . Feet should be well shaped and dense. The hind leg must not be too bent. Which is better: Jack Russell Terrier or Plummer Terrier Einfach. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Plummer Terrier Breed Information, Characteristics & Heath Problems",, Dog breeds originating in the United Kingdom, Articles needing additional references from January 2021, All articles needing additional references, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. W 1964 roku angielski Kennel Club rozdzielił obie rasy. The chap selling her wants 100 for her. Hocks clean and flat, turning neither inwards nor outwards. The chap selling her wants 100 for her. Discover More Unmatched In Quality & Experience Get access to a wide range of superior quality welding methods to maintain the strength of the new project. They should be equally at home in the house as in the kennel, be highly intelligent, courageous and tenacious. Post Aug 10, 2011 #2 2011-08-10T22:41. Always distract/attract away from, or substitute; never challenge, ‘pin down’ or confront & updated daily Terriers are delightful, rewarding & so needing your help! Shedding. Wczesna historia norfolk teriera i jego kuzyna norwich teriera są identyczne. The addition of Fell Terrier blood, Jaeger from Nigel Hinchcliffe's lines and Flint from Brian Nuttall's lines, both noted working lines and most likely descending from Cyril Breay and Frank Buck's stock, infused refinement of shape and to a certain extent contributed to fixing type, like that seen in Pagan, a black and tan terrier, acknowledged as one of the early pillars of the breed. This one made mostly out of Jack Russell, but also with a strong dash of beagle (added for nose and voice), and bull terrier (added for toughness). Please post pictures and your dogs Eptr pedigree Es basiert nicht... Viele der spanischen Tierschutzverbände verstehen nicht, dass die grausamen „Erhängungen“ der spanischen Galgos derartig viel mediale Aufmerksamkeit erregen, sich aber niemand für die schrecklichen Zustände in der Haltung dieser Tiere zu interessieren scheint.... Drei Jahre nach der Einführung des niedersächsischen Hunderegisters sind etwa 272.400 Tiere erfasst, wie die Nachrichtenagentur dpa berichtete. The Plummer Terrier was created by a man called Dr. David Brian Plummer who was a professional teacher working in the toughest schools throughout southern Yorkshire and in the Midlands during the 1970s and the ’80s. A red Fell Terrier was mixed in to improve the overall appearance. Ears: dropped, rounded, and neatly pinned to head. These three dogs were known to be full-on earth workers. Post Aug 10, 2011 #2 2011-08-10T22:41. Muzzle: strong, lips close with no excessive looseness. All puppies are fully registered and come with all the necessary paper work. Colour and markings: a bright fiery red with white. Historical dogs in all of our pedigrees Below are some photos of dogs who if you look at your pedigree or read any of Brian Plummers books are just a name, we thought we would try to put names to faces for want of a better way of putting it, starting from the very early […] A red Fell Terrier was mixed in to improve the overall appearance. Plummer Terriers are primarily Jack Russell Terriers. Border Terrier Zugriffe: 28460 Terrier Brasileiro Zugriffe: 6213 Cairn Terrier Zugriffe: 15990 Cesky Terrier Zugriffe: 3717 Dandie Dinmont Terrier Zugriffe: 3856 English Toy Terrier Zugriffe: 5059 Irish Terrier Zugriffe: 19887 Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier Zugriffe: 4506 Life span: 12-15 years. © 2001 - 2019 hundund[.de|.at|.ch] - Das unabhängige Hundeportal für Hundehalter | Kontakt | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung, 2. The Plummer Terrier was first created in the 60s to produce a dog that would successfully hunt rabbits and other vermin from farmland. eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. Noun (wikipedia plumber) One who works in or with lead. Bull Terrier blood of known ancestry was sought and outcrossed into the breed. The Plummer Terrier is a pleasant companion when it is sufficiently exercised; however if it does not get enough, it may become a nuisance. His name is Gary Millar, Cavan +353 87 7550607. phil. The ears fold over like most terriers, and the nose and eye are typically black, and the jaw has a good scissors bite. Historical dogs in all of our pedigrees Below are some photos of dogs who if you look at your pedigree or read any of Brian Plummers books are just a name, we thought we would try to put names to faces for want of a better way of putting it, starting from the very early […] It seems that he got his wish because even after Brian’s death, the Plummer has a massive, almost cult following. Discover More Unmatched In Quality & Experience Get access to a wide range of superior quality welding methods to maintain the strength of the new project. The Jack Russell Terrier (1976). The Plummer Terrier is a very attractive smooth-coated dog with a fiery red and white coat and head, a white collar at the neckline, or a full cape. Characterized by … Die Erfolgsquote liegt bei über 98 %. Prick or rose ears are not encouraged. Für seine wohl bekannteste Rolle aber hatte er jahrzehntelang nur Verachtung übrig. Find similarities and differences between Jack Russell Terrier vs Plummer Terrier. As a working terrier, the Plummer is a versatile dog, which has many uses. Plummer Terriers Puppies. His name was Dr. David Brian Plummer and he developed the breed by using Jack Russells, Fell Terriers, Fox Terriers, Beagles and Bull Terriers. The latter are notoriously bad around other dogs so this, most likely, applies to the Plummer Terriers as well. Its ancestors were different types of terriers including Fox Terriers and Bull Terriers crossed with Jack Russells and Beagles.This breed was originally bred as a working dog and is known for its exceptional hunting abilities paired with loyal, loving and feisty characteristics. Origins and history. They are named after Dr. David Plummer, who was instrumental in developing the breed as well as being an expert in dog genetics. Not suitable with cats chickens or little furries. Die leichte Hybrid Hundeschermaschine mit Li-Ionen Akku kann zudem auch direkt mit Strom betrieben werden. Auch Welpen die nach drei Monaten noch zu vergeben sind finden Sie hier. Plummer Terrier Join your structure with the best technology to keep it intact for a lifetime. Tieranzeigen zu Hunde, Katzen, Pferde. He eventually moved to a remote croft in Caithness, Scotland, and began to write full-time. The breed’s creator was Brian Plummer who, having been raised in south Wales, was an enthusiastic hunter of rats. 1,672. phil. Der Plummer ist heute problemlos sogar in der Stadt, in einer Etagenwohnung, zu halten, wenn er auf Spaziergängen genügend... mehr lesen. A generally game working dog, the Plummer Terrier is not a Kennel Club breed, and most Plummer Terrier owners who … It has medium sized black eyes and the v-shaped ears are folded and drop downwards. OK Diese Webseite nutzt Cookies. Terier najnowsze ogłoszenia na The most common serious health fault in this breed is cleft palate, followed by foul mouth, patella luxation and cryptorchidism." Die leise GogiPet® Orate High-Speed Hundeschermaschine mit Titankeramik Scherkopf schafft bis zu 8 Stunden Schurzeit und bietet 5 Geschwindigkeitsstufen. Origins and history. All are welcome members of the EPTS and non members alike, who may feel that they want to find out a … The Plummer Terrier has the behavior that you will love if you want to have a lot of fun with it. Come forwards for one & you are a life saver! Mit dem Hund nach Dänemark – schönen Urlaub! [1], In the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s, Brian Plummer worked as a somewhat reluctant teacher of several schools throughout southern Yorkshire and the Midlands. Pinscher und Schnauzer, Molosser & Schweizer Sennenhunde, 6. The height of the male dog is said to be about 12.6 – 14.2 inches (32 – 36 cm) whereas the female is about 11 – 13.3 inches (28 – 34 cm). Contact us for more information about Plummer Terrier ownership and we will advise you if there are any pups available at present or in the near future. They are keen retrievers, most generally take to water freely; quite intelligent, have excellent noses, are biddable and have many uses in the field. The breed, while unrecognized by any kennel club, is known for its rugged determination and hardiness. Plummer terriers – a history. By the early 1990s most of the pack's important gene pool was found and regrouped, albeit on a smaller scale. Plummer Terrier: The Plummer Terrier is mostly made out of Jack Russell Terrier, with a strong dash of Beagle (added for nose, voice and coat color), and Bull Terrier (added for toughness and head size). Breed standard. Compare Jack Russell Terrier and Plummer Terrier and {name3}.