Oberfeldwebel Pioniere (Génie). EAST GERMAN UNIFORM DATE CODES; EAST GERMAN UNIFORM SIZE CONVERSION TABLES; GUIDE TO FINDING SHOULDERBOARDS ; SELL YOUR UNWANTED GERMAN MILITARIA; Shipping & Returns; Blog; Useful Links & Events. Unteroffizier Nachrichten (Transmissions) en service long (Auf Zeit). Choose Options. Single breasted jacket in heavyweight pale grey wool with fully fastened collar. Voici quelques éléments permettant d'identifier et dater les vestes d'uniforme des militaires de carrière de la NVA. DDR NVA UNIFORM HOSE OFFZ. Prix de départ : CHF 10 | Etat : D'occasion | DDR NVA unteroffizier gradabzeichen à Comano en vente sur Ricardo | DDR NVA feldgrau uniform gradabzeichen DDR DRK Mütze Skimütze Baschlikmütze … The design of the rank insignias followed the tradition of the German Army (Heer) with some modifications.For example, the cuff titles (chevron insignias) of the Gefreiter were replaced by Soviet-styled shoulder straps with cross-stripes.. description Physical description. om497 - late 1950's/early 1960's - SOLDAT - … New uniforms for the Nationale Volksarmee (NVA) were developed by the end of 1955 and the new East German Army was stood up in 1956. Frühe NVA Uniform (Jacke+Hose) FDA Uffz. Hover over image to zoom. Add to Compare. On the product picture you can see how the braid is sewn. 9,94 EUR + 9,90 EUR livraison . Add to Wishlist. Add To Cart. Add To Cart. om270 - 7 place paper medal ribbon bar - NVA Army - Mid to Senior … description Physical description. Insigne "Bester" attribué 4 fois, "Leistungsabzeichen", insigne de qualification générale classe II. wo617 - NVA Army career NCO Unteroffizier Parade or Walking out uniform jacket - size ug48 £30.00. Manufacturer encodings. wo617 - NVA Army career NCO Unteroffizier Parade or Walking out uniform jacket - size ug48. Add to Compare. Add to Wishlist. Click on subscribe. Casquette datée 1984 (Lettre H). Etui à pistolet daté 1967. All pockets are pleated and all exposed buttons are of bright white metal stipple-pattern. Design. Add to Wishlist. wo610 - blank Volkspolizei VP VoPo or BePo Bereitschaftspolizei riot police uniform jacket - different sizes available £12.50. Pattes d'épaules en tissu officier caractéristique des unités stationnées à Berlin. Des détachements de la NVA ont été prévus en 1968 en vue de l'écrasement du printemps de Prague, mais la NVA n'a pas été immédiatement préparée à une invasion de la Tchécoslovaquie.Il y a eu des plans de faire entrer la 7 e division de blindés et la 11 e division de chasseurs motorisés en Tchécoslovaquie. kein Flächentarn Gr. The cuff bars indicate that it is a pre 1981 uniform and that it is also the uniform … Grenze,Stasi,NVA Uniform,Unteroffizier Grenzflieger der Grenztruppen der DDR. Uniform Glossary. sbbs091 - silver Litze Tresse for NCO Unteroffizier collars - 1m length . Ouvre la Galerie photos. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for East German NVA Army Unteroffizier shoulder boards - different types available at the best online prices at eBay! wo357 - NVA Army UvD - Unteroffizier vom Dienst - Duty NCO - armband £6.00. m56 (1967+1965)(11. Provenance : Allemagne. Jacket, M1986 Service Dress, Fallschirmjäger (Unteroffizier): DDR NVA. Commandez maintenant des produits de NVA parmi un large choix dans la boutique en ligne ASMC pour le plein-air, le domaine militaire, la sécurité et le camping Gilt metal NVA badge to the right breast pocket. NVA Tress band for NCOs, also called Kragenlitze. Add to Wishlist. Add to Compare. 1965 - 1975. Tenue de service 1965 - 79. Years Stamp. Links . Tenue de service 1982 - 90. NVA - Army. Good clean complete Non commissioned Officer's dress Uniform from the NVA the former East Germany dating to around the 1980s. Felix Dzerzhinsky Guards Regiment uniforms … description Physical description . Enter your name and e-mail address if you are not already registered. Lettres codes indiquant l'année de fabrication des uniformes et équipements de la NVA et de certains organismes de 1968 à 1990. Useful Links; Home; East Germany/DDR; Shoulder Boards; sblab004 - 57 - UNTEROFFIZIER - PIONIERE - Army … The jacket features an integral hood with drawstring adjuster that can be rolled when not worn and … Interested in receiving the latest information at all times? Jacket of lightweight fabric, printed with Strichtarn camouflage pattern (vertical red/brown broken lines on a grey-green field). 21.04.2017 - NVA Dienstuniform Unteroffizier Grenztruppen der DDR schwarzer Kragen Share - .German Army Uniform Shoulder boards Unteroffizier.German Army Uniform Shoulder boards Unteroffizier. Uniform collection. 8,50 EUR de frais de livraison. 38,00 EUR de frais de livraison . WEIßE PASPEL !!! Single-breasted jacket of lightweight cotton fabric, printed with a series of irregular 'leaf' camouflage patterns of light green, dark green and red-brown on a grey field. Provenance : Allemagne. £30.00. Laundry and cleaning. Major MfS. Newsletters. Hover over image to zoom. The jacket is open-collared and features traditional Prussian double-litzen collar patches with black inlay decoration. The cuffs are edged with white piping and the detachable epaulettes are of stiffened grey cloth, having flat NCO … Add to Compare. Tenue de service col ouvert 1975 - 1976. Add to Wishlist. Add To Cart. Add To Cart. Chevron d' appelé en service long (Auf Zeit / 3 ans). You will be sent an e … The total length is 75cm, this is sufficient to provide uniform "convey" to any size. Add to Wishlist. Out of stock. NVA uniforms initially wore the Waffenfarben as worn by the Wehrmacht, but later reverted to white except for generals who wore red. Add to Compare. Add to Compare. om269 - 8 place paper medal ribbon bar - NVA Army - Senior Officer rank with Kampforden £35.00. 249,99 EUR. NVA LaSK uniform for enlisted men of the Paratroopers.It has Stabsfeldwebel shoulder boards and one silver chevrons on the right sleeve which indicate that it is an Unteroffizier auf Zeit.It has the Parachuting brevet above the right breast pocket with the hanging add that indicates the number of jumps. Plain epaulette edged in silver to an Unteroffizier… Add to Wishlist. The image is an example, the jacket is not included! Informations sur la photo. The uniform of the Border Troops was distinguished from that of the NVA ground force and Air Force/Air Defense Force by a green armband with large silver letters identifying the wearer's affiliation. Shipping: Calculated at checkout Current Stock: 18 Quantity Product Description. 39,99 EUR. Jacket, M1986 Service Dress, Unteroffizier (Pionier): DDR NVA. In that case why not subscribe to our newsletter: Select a newsletter. DDR NVA 1976 Uniform Jacke Unteroffizier m52-0 (M) East german army Jacket Tunic | Sammeln & Seltenes, DDR & Ostalgie, DDR | eBay! om268 - 4 place paper medal ribbon bar for wear on uniforms - NVA Army mid Officer or high NCO rank £15.00. Unteroffizier. Tenue de service d'état-major. Kammgarn (Filz) Ausgangsuniform Unteroffizier Flieger,Luftstreitkräfte,Luftwaffe.Jacke Grösse m 48,Hose Grösse m 48,Mütze Grösse 58. NVA - Air Force & Air Defence. Free shipping for many products! Occasion, Uniforme Wasserschutzpolizei RDA DDR NVA. K 1968 Z. 1m length will be more than … The detachable epaulettes are of stiffened grey cloth-faced form, decorated with bright flat NCO tresse above … $3.90 + $3.28 Shipping. Rare uniforme officier de la Wasserschutzpolizei bon état, jamais portée, des petites étiquettes sont encore collées à plusieurs endroits. Add To Cart. … … Add to Wishlist. Tenue de service 1961 - 1975. Single-breasted four-pocket jacket of stone-grey cloth with an open collar. description Physical description. Plain collar with grey tabs edged in white. Veste datée 1973 (Lettre L). om339 - NVA Air Force Fliegertechnische Versorgung Aircraft Maintenance Troops qualification sleeve patch £6.00. Uniforms Hitler-Jugend Service Shirt Shoulder-board buttons are present, marked with the number '1' for 'Oberbann 1', traces of a removed district-triagle (Gebietsdreieck) are clearly visible on the wearer's left upper-sleeve. NVA,Flieger Uniform,Unteroffizier Flieger,Luftstreitkräfte mit Abzeichen | Sammeln & Seltenes, DDR & Ostalgie, DDR | eBay! Shoulder strap rank insignias. Les éléments qui constituent les tableaux ci-dessous proviennent de ma collection et ne sauraient être exhaustifs. Veste datée 1982 (Lettre I). Foldback cuffs with grey tabs. om154 - c1956 East German Leipzig Sports Festival match box as pocket filler for your NVA uniforms - matches £7.00. £6.00. The new military uniforms were revealed on 1 May 1956 at the May Day parade held in Berlin. An der rechten Brust die Schützenschnur ,das Bestenabzeichen ,die Qualispange und das Sportabzeichen . Add to Wishlist. B/A-Dienst of the NVA. 66,00 EUR 11 enchères + livraison . Add to Compare. Uniforms and insignia Jacket, Armoured Crews, M1990 Panzerjacke, Strichtarn (Line pattern camouflage): Unteroffizier, DDR NVA. Bien que n’en faisant pas partie, l’uniforme de la NVA était porté avec la couleur d’arme rouge-bordeaux (Bordeauxrot) avec des marquages NVA ou MfS. NVA - Army. Add to Compare. La NVA n'a participé à aucune guerre. Le port de l’uniforme était obligatoire pour les membres du régiment de la garde et les unités de sécurité où servaient également des soldats du service national en service long. Jacket, Field, M1958 'Flächentarn' Feldjacke (modified): Unteroffizier, DDR NVA. Les meilleures offres pour NVA Uniforme visiere 63 OFFICIER sous officier RDA Ostalgie MDI populaire de police sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! Add to Compare. om151 - c1961 East German Wartburg 311 match box as pocket filler for your NVA uniforms - matches £7.00. Leutnant. Single-breasted four-pocket jacket of stone-grey cloth. Single-breasted, the jacket has a stand & fall collar and has two breast pockets with … The braid can be sewn by hand, but it is recommended to sew a machine! NVA Fallschirmjäger Feldflaschen Adapter Deckel A10M für Gasmaske M10M (10 Stück. Blouson-chemise daté 1979(Lettre F). Add To Cart. Sort by: bc001 - East German badges ... last type late 1980's - worn on uniforms £10.00. Out of stock.