Eraqus convinces Xehanort to relinquish the X-blade to the guardians and apologizes to Terra, Aqua, and Ventus for what his actions and ideologies put them through. [20] Nomura expressed that the fans liked the inclusion of the Will's battle due to his challenging difficulty, which led the staff to design another hard boss character for Birth by Sleep. [13] Terra briefly appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, first during Sora's dream where Sora's friends, Riku and Kairi, are transformed into Terra and Aqua; and again when Sora declares his pride in being connected to many Keyblade wielders. Ventus' wayfinder is a yellow center that fades to a vibrant green to darker green edges. Terra confronts the man who ruined his life and tells him there was much more to light than he thought as the heart of Eraqus emerges from him. I would love to but I don't. Although cheerful and bright, Ventus holds a mysterious past he seeks to recover on his quest to become a Keyblade Master. [3][4] Periodically, the vagabond Master Xehanort appeals to Terra to channel the power of darkness freely,[5] creating a schism between him and his friends as they grow troubled by his actions. [35] Kimberly Wallace from Game Informer expected Terra, alongside his friends, to appear in Kingdom Hearts III. Seeing 626 curious about friendship, Terra encourages 626 to learn for himself what friendship is as it's difficult to explain with words. Nomura expects that in future games, the connection between both of them would be expanded. Helping free Experiment 626, Terra realizes he's been tricked when 626 steals his Wayfinder. The wise wizard said finding Master Xehanort was the top priority, making finding the boy controlling the Unversed second, and finding Ventus third. Franchises : Kingdom Hearts Genres : Action, RPG Terra is one of the protagonists of the Kingdom Hearts series who made his debut in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. He also holds Master Eraqus in high regard, viewing him as a surrogate father, which he proclaims to Xehanort; for example, he cries at Eraqus' apparent demise and is visibly happy when he reveals that Eraqus has "set foot into" his heart. Riku: *Turns to the Guardian of Light* Put your hand up if you thought Ventus was Aqua’s and Terra’s son. Terra wears a plain black wristband on his right arm, while his left arm is significantly more armored. Before his desolate state, Terra creates a connection with Riku as his successor, allowing Riku to wield the Keyblade in the future. After reuniting with Aqua and Ventus, and later aiding in keeping Kingdom Hearts closed, Terra releases Eraqus's heart and spirit, who persuades the dying Xehanort to surrender peacefully. Master Xehanort reassures him, saying Eraqus fears darkness out of fear, and that light and dark must be balanced. Afterwards, Terra and his friends return home before joining their allies in celebration on the Destiny Islands. Terra's long-time dream was to become a Keyblade Master. Due to lengthy periods between releases and the prevalence of Late Arrival Spoilers, spoilers from installments before 2010 may be unmarked. A second blast frees Xehanort, but Terra feels ashamed of using darkness. Finally, his armored boots are dark brown and gold. The tweet also divulges that a Terra Bring Arts is currently in development. Terra (Japanese: テラ, Hepburn: Tera) is a fictional character from Square Enix's video game franchise Kingdom Hearts, prominently featured in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep as one of the game's three playable protagonists. For Kingdom Hearts III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Keyblades for Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Axel, Xion, Roxas, Aqua, Ventus, and Terra". Also unlike Aqua and Ventus, Terra does not wear his badge (which is gold as opposed to the others' silver) on these straps. Wayfinders have always been a special item for me- because they make excellent gifts to the friends that mean the most to you, just like Aqua did for Ventus and Terra. Terra's gameplay was also described by Nomura as "heavy" in comparison to Ventus's and Aqua's. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Terra was a Keyblade apprentice training under Eraqus at the Land of Departure, along with his friend, Aqua. According to Tetsuya Nomura, she is approximately 18 years old.Aqua has a tall and slender figure, about as thin as Ventus and standing a few inches shorter than Terra. One day during training, Master Xehanort visited the Land of Departure, bringing with him a near-catatonic Ventus, asking Eraqus to take care of the boy and train him as a Keyblade wielder. Terra is a driven young man who, along with his best friends Ventus and Aqua, was a Keyblade apprentice of Master Eraqus studying to become a Keyblade Master. She tells him that Terra is among those that Sora must save from their hurt. Terra makes an appearance in Kingdom Hearts Coded alongside various other suffering characters who are bound to Sora's heart. Terra is surprised to hear that Master Xehanort believes he has shown the Mark of Mastery by being able to channel his darkness instead of succumbing to it. She wears a black and navy blue, high-collared halter top, a black corset with two pairs of white laces and black shorts. Sora himself decides to undertake a new quest to find Terra, Aqua, and Ventus and rescue them. However, it only gives Xehanort amnesia instead of the desired result, and almost sends them into the Realm of Darkness; however, Aqua takes their place to send them back. The Square Enix Official Goods Twitter account has revealed information concerning upcoming Kingdom Hearts Bring Arts figures.. Prototype versions of an upcoming Ventus Bring Arts figure and an Aqua Bring Arts figure were displayed in a recent tweet! Filled with rage, Terra channels his darkness, scarring Braig's face, and driving him off. Additionally, the final chapter shows the Lingering Will fighting Sora from Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. You know, I actually really don't know how Namine, Roxas and Xion could be saved! During Sora, Aqua, and Ventus's battle against Terra-Xehanort, Terra's heart awakens from within Terra-Xehanort's "guardian" Heartless, which aids Sora in banishing Xehanort's heart and restoring Terra to his true self. She is one of the Keyblade apprentices training under Master Eraqus alongside her friends Terra and Ventus. Series director Tetsuya Nomura designed Terra's character when preparing the secret endings of Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. After bringing Sora home, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, and Chirithy take some time to themselves to celebrate at Disneyland. His appearance is carried on to Terra-Xehanort, as he is effectively Terra's body under Master Xehanort's influence. [16] Following the release of the Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Nomura revealed a connection between them and the game's villain Xemnas, but wanted to leave it up to people's imaginations as he still could not reveal their identities. Aqua/Terra: C’mon, Riku! Once Masters Eraqus and Xehanort have finished with discussing the results of the exam, it is explained that though both Terra and Aqua are deserving of the title of Keyblade Master, only Aqua has succeeded in earning the title; Terra failed due to not being able to keep the darkness within himself in check. The main reason I kept dreaming about seeing the outside world... was 'cause of him.Riku remembers Terra. Terra arrives in Olympus Coliseum, where he encounters Hades, who is looking for a powerful warrior he can manipulate and set against Zeus. However, Master Xehanort tells Terra that he has many plans in place, even if their conflict continues for a very long time. Read at your own risk. Seeing that he's been had, Terra defeats Zack, releasing him from Hades' control. Terra, Aqua, and Ventus are three young friends who are training together to be Keyblade Masters: chosen warriors of light tasked with protecting The Multiverse against the corrosive powers of darkness. The staff also wanted to emphasize the lack of coincidences in the series, leading to the characters' interaction between the three scenarios. Ven : Me and Aqua. A vision of Terra appears to Aqua after she defeats the Demon Tower in the remains of the Castle of Dreams. ventus kingdomhearts sora roxas riku aqua terra vanitas kairi axel xion kh namine hearts xehanort kingdom birthbysleep keyblade kh3 ven 542 Stories Sort by: Hot He also wears a black, fingerless glove on his hand and what appears to be a black gauntlet on his forearm, over the segmented armor, which also has small pieces of dark red armor on it. Terra's calm and cool exterior hides a heart that would fight for his friends, yet he is constantly tempted by the darkness, similar to Riku. Terra & Ventus & Aqua is a Bonus Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ. [20] Ryōtarō Okiayu was chosen as Terra's Japanese voice actor as the staff wanted an actor who sounded similar to Chikao Ōtsuka, Xehanort's original voice actor, and Akio Ōtsuka, Xehanort's current voice actor who also voiced the villain while using Terra's body. Aqua, Terra, and Ventus' Adventures of Stardust. "[32] Bob Miur from Destructoid compared Terra's storyline with the film Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith due to the struggles he faces, and found that gamers familiar to the series may realize that his fate in the game "won't turn out to be very pretty." Huddlem : Yup (Aqua and Ven blush immensely and look away) Terra : way to go Ven im cheering you guys on( waving a VenQua flag with a heart at the end) Huddlem : All aboard the S.S VenQua (As a ship appeared beneath me) Rexaz : he own nuzthing Miur also commented on Dohring's work, praising how he makes Terra "tortured and conflicted", but still criticizing the result. His heart is sleeping, and he has been laid to rest in a secret chamber of a certain castle until someone can wake him up. When Sora is in the Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts 2 and he sees the Organization XIII, Xigbar remains back to tell Sora that Ventus used to look at him the same way that Sora did. Kingdom Hearts 2. You have to be strong. He was a Keyblade wielder who studied with Aqua and Terra long before Sora. His experiences with darkness bring a negative vibe to him, but Terra holds his bond with Ventus and Aqua in high esteem, willing to fight for them despite his ties to the darkness, wishing to help them long after his possession. [21], When Terra's character was first revealed,'s Jeremy Parish found him to be very similar to Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII to the point where he wondered whether he would actually be Zack. When 626 gives it back, Terra wonders if Dr. Jumba was right in thinking his experiments can't feel emotions. Like Aqua and Ven, Terra wears armor on one arm, with his bearing similarities to both of his companions. [33] UGO Networks listed Terra's Helmet nineteenth on their list of "The Coolest Helmets and Headgear in Video Games", stating "For a minute, but only a minute, the two-horned helmet will get you feeling like the Keyblade is a viable weapon. Like his classmates, Terra has access to a variety of magic spells, although he is not as skilled in magic as Aqua nor as fast as Ventus. Terra greeted Ventus, and he and Aqua introduced themselves, but when Terra started asking him questions about himself, Ventus collapsed, as Eraqus explained to Terra that Ventus had no memories. After falling into Galactic Federation custody in Deep Space, Terra escapes with Dr. Jumba, who claims to have created a creature that can dispatch the Unversed with ease. Refusing, Terra is forced to battle the mirror; his victory resulting in the mirror's rhyming riddle "beyond both light and dark, he dwells; where war was raged upon the fells." Terra's mastery of raw power is comparable to Goofy and Master Xehanort in the Kingdom Hearts series. "[34] In a Famitsu poll, Terra was voted as the fifth most popular Kingdom Hearts character. Like his friends, Terra wears two intersecting straps over his chest, though his red ones are rather different, dropping much lower down and almost resembling crisscrossed suspenders. [16] Despite not revealing their identities, Nomura still said that they are characters from the past from the Kingdom Hearts series. Aqua and Ventus will be brand new in box. One day during training, Master Xehanort visited the Land of Departure, bringing with him a near-catatonic Ventus, asking Eraqus to take care of the boy and train him as a Keyblade wielder. He asks Terra to take care of Vanitas and sends him to the "city of light" - Radiant Garden. When Hook left to investigate a shooting star, Terra clashed with Peter Pan, who was after the chest; however, once the treasure inside it was spilled Terra ceased fighting. Hearing that a boy, but not Vanitas, was after it, Terra offered his help in guarding the "light". When Sora and the others arrive at the Keyblade Graveyard for their final confrontation with Master Xehanort and his True Organization XIII, Terra-Xehanort attempts to wipe them out before they even reach Master Xehanort by striking down Ventus and Lea before being repelled by Donald with a powerful spell that leaves Donald severely weakened, leaving Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Aqua, Ventus, Lea, Kairi, and later Riku, unable to fight off a powerful Demon Tide Heartless tornado that is able to sweep them all up, leaving Sora at its mercy as it goes for the kill. [18] In October 2007, Nomura was asked if the Lingering Will was actually Terra due to their similarities, but he responded it was still uncertain. For Terra I used Sonic Blade, Meteor, Freeze Raid, Thundaga, Zero Graviga and two Curaga's. However, when Master Xehanort points out it will shame Eraqus if Braig defeats him, Terra fights back. With the threat of Xehanort's demise, if he fought back, Terra could do nothing but block Braig's attacks. Shortly after, Ansem attacks Riku in an attempt to take over Riku's body again. [17] Terra's face was first shown in the 2006 Tokyo Game Show in which he was described as an avenger against Xehanort. He appears in-game as a pupil of Master Eraqus who trains alongside his friends Aqua and Ventus to become a master of the Keyblade weapon. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.Terra to Cinderella in their first meeting. This is seen with the new Xehanort, Xemnas, and the Lingering Will, each of which demonstrating instances of Terra's faded consciousness acting on Ventus' and Aqua's behalf. The staff found Chikao's was a dry sort of voice, Akio's a deep, resonating sort of voice, and liked how Okiayu bore elements from both actors. Terra's wayfinder is an orange center that fades to yellow edges. Nomura wrote Terra's conversation with Riku early on development, wishing to explain the reason for Riku's ability to use the Keyblade, and he requested the staff in charge to make it into the game. [27] writer Emily Gera stated that players may know little about them due to their role in Kingdom Hearts II, but with Birth by Sleep, players will able to know about them. [26], Terra's role in Birth by Sleep has received mixed critics with Adam Ghigiino from PALGN criticizing his naive personality when finding the three protagonists unappealing. Eraqus explains he received a warning from the sorcerer Yen Sid that monsters called the Unversed pose a threat to the Princesses of Heart. The recreation of the Wayfinder sold here isnt made of Thalassa shells, but it is made of modern materials which will be durable and Aqua and Terra are emergency physicians at the Kingdom Pediatric Hospital in the city of Radiant Garden. [22] Nomura had troubles designing Terra's, Ventus's and Aqua's armors due how they would be able to summon them. The Grand Duke of this world also revealed a clue about the Unversed; a boy in a mask was commanding them. Leaving his friends, Terra encounters Braig, who claims to be holding Master Xehanort hostage in the Purification Facility under the Outer Gardens and demands Terra meet him there. [23], To expand the connection between Terra and Riku, scenes foreshadowing future events involving Riku from Terra's perspective were added to the game, though Nomura has stated that these scenes are not of a precognitive nature. His name means "Earth" in Latin and in Portuguese, similar to Riku 's name in Japanese meaning "land". Video game publications gave mixed responses to Terra's character, with many noting his similarity to the Final Fantasy VII character Zack Fair, and later commenting on his naive portrayal in Birth by Sleep. Once the trio defeats Xehanort in Scala ad Caelum, Terra and the other Guardians of Light arrive. Oblivious to the fact that Master Xehanort is attempting to seduce him into darkness, he is forced to doubt those most special to him, and only realizes his wrong-doings after they occur. [14] A vision of Terra makes an appearance in Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage, a part of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, while Aqua explores the realm of darkness. Nobody thinks Ventus is our son! He has blue eyes and tanned skin. Before they fight, Riku reveals to Ansem that he reminds him of Terra and thus resolves to make Ansem a part of his light. Ventus, or Ven for short, is one of the protagonists of the Kingdom Hearts series who made his debut in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Written for the Halloween Hearts zine. After a long day of training, Terra told Ven and Aqua about his dream of becoming a Keyblade Master and gave Ven his wooden Keyblade to use instead of Ven's wooden Sword, saying that he, Ven, and Aqua, all carry the same dream. However, when considering Terra's weapon being a Keyblade in contrast to all the other Final Fantasy characters shown in previous Kingdom Hearts games, he thought he may not be Zack. However, though they believe they've failed to stop him, Sora refuses to give up and prepares to confront Master Xehanort once and for all. Kingdom Hearts: Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. Sometime later, Terra has a victory beach party on Destiny Islands with all of friends; having a race with Riku and Roxas while Aqua and Mickey cheer them on. Terra spent his days as a Keyblade apprentice training under Eraqus at the Land of Departure, along with his friend, Aqua. While not exactly gullible, Terra can be overly trusting, which most villains use to their advantage, leading to his misadventures. Early in the game, Terra is denied the rank of Keyblade Master when his mentor and father figure, Master Eraqus, detects a strong presence of darkness in his heart. Enamel pins of the Wayfinder Trio - Ventus, Aqua, and Terra Get them individually or as a set! The engaged couple is preparing to start a new chapter in their lives when an unknown, comatose boy is admitted into the hospital. [23] Therefore, an "X" was added to their clothes as a means of activating the armors as well as due to the fact it was one of the game's keywords. It is a prequel that takes place 10 years before Kingdom Hearts. When they rejoin Sora, joined by Lea, Xion, and Roxas, they find they are too late to stop Master Xehanort, as he struck down Kairi in cold blood and provoked Sora, Riku, and King Mickey into attacking him, allowing the X-blade to be reformed. Ventus attempts to talk to Terra as he leaves, but Terra ignores him. In gratitude, Zack calls Terra a hero. [19] When asked about the Will's true nature after being revealed to contain Terra's memories, Nomura stated it was not a Heartless. [Everyone puts their hand up] Aqua/Terra: Ven, put your hand down! The sizes of the trio are scaled so Ventus is 1.8, Aqua is 1.75, and Terra is 2 Theyre just the right size to wear on your jacket collar or a backpack - Sora, Riku, and Kairi are double posted on the [15], Although Terra, Ventus and Aqua first appeared in the secret ending of Kingdom Hearts II wearing armor, director Tetsuya Nomura still had not designed their final look, having only thought about their story. He appears in-game as a pupil of Master Eraqus who trains alongside his friends Aqua and Ventus to become a master of the Keyblade weapon. In addition, the power of darkness allows him to use the Dark Firaga spell. I am who I am...because of them.Sora to Kairi about Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. His hakama are dark grey near the top, with several loops for his belt and two buttons, both of which are undone. She questions if he, too, has been trapped in the Realm of Darkness, but he simply fades away, causing her to wonder if she has been going insane. Aqua, Ventus, and Terra train under Master Eraqus at the Land of Departure, an academy of sorts where the three friends live and hone their skills. Terra's pants bear a distinct feudal Japanese style; his belt is tied like an obi-sash and he wears hakama (traditional samurai pants distinguished by the large pleats). Terra arrives to see Master Xehanort chained to a column, and Braig challenges Terra to a fight, saying he wants a Keyblade for himself. Terra's affinity for earth lets him use the powerful Quake and Meteor spells. He wears a skintight, grey and black, high-collared shirt, showing that he is rather muscular. Aqua, Terra, and Ventus' Adventures of Stardust is an upcoming Kingdom Hearts/Paramount Crossover film to be created by TheAngryPepe (Who Co-Directs with 76859Thomas for Pooh's Adventures of Stardust ). After Aqua defeats Terra-Xehanort in Radiant Garden, Terra's heart resists against Xehanort, forcing Xehanort to lock his heart to get rid of what remains of him. Aqua is a fictional character from Square Enix's video game franchise Kingdom Hearts. Searching for Vanitas brought Terra to Neverland, where Captain Hook was in need of protecting his chest full of "light" from the Unversed. Aqua is one of the main protagonists of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. [10] The process that turns Terra into Terra-Xehanort also transfers his disembodied mind into his discarded armor, becoming the Lingering Will that defeats Xehanort and remains in the Keyblade Graveyard. Leaving, Terra was forced back to defend the Lost Boys from a swarm of Unversed. Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue, 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage, His name means "Earth" in Latin, similar to, When first revealed in promotional gameplay videos while still unnamed, Terra's physical appearance led several commentators to believe that he was actually. Surprised and depressed to learn that he holds darkness in his heart, Terra steps outside, where he approached by Master Xehanort. He can also use Warp, which allows him to potentially wipe an enemy from existence. Xehanort takes him to the Land of Departure to train as a Keyblade Master, alongside Terra and Aqua, under Master Eriqus. Terra, with the heart of Master Eraqus sealed within him, concludes that no matter what, he will do all in his power to hold Master Xehanort at bay, no matter how sure the elderly Keyblade Master … Terra is seen at the Land of Departure with a sleeping Ventus, waking his friend up before they both say Sora's name with a sense of renewed hope. The rest of the pants are tan with a small, lighter stripe of tan on the bottom hem. Everyone, including Terra, bear witness as Sora and a revived Kairi share a moment before Sora fades away. In the Japanese version, Terra & Ventus & Aqua was given away on May 19, 2016 to players who had the Illustrated Terra, Illustrated Ventus, or Illustrated Aqua Medals with a Special Attack Bonus. VanOrd also pointed this out when Terra interacts with Disney characters, finding the latters' voice actors to be "uniformly excellent and absolutely comparable to the original source. [1], The prequel Birth by Sleep introduces Terra as an apprentice Keyblade wielder who trains alongside Aqua and Ventus at the Land of Departure. Ryōtarō Okiayu has done the voice of Terra in Japanese and Jason Dohring in the English version. Following Ventus' brush with death, he loses his memories. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is the tale of a new trio of heroes, told across three scenarios utilizing the groundbreaking technology of the PSP. However, using his power of waking while in the Final World, Sora is able to save his friends and reverse time to moments before the encounter with Terra-Xehanort, but when they find themselves in the same spot again, before history can repeat itself and Terra-Xehanort can strike down Ventus as his first victim again, the Lingering Will appears to protect Ventus and Aqua, forcing Terra-Xehanort into retreat, while the Demon Tide tornado is defeated and dispersed by Sora and the Keyblades of fallen Keyblade Warriors coming to aid him in his hour of need. When Ventus, Terra and Aqua go on separate journeys to stop a new threat called the Unversed, Xehanort slowly manipulates Terra to make him a new vessel. [21], Out of the three protagonists from Birth by Sleep, Terra's design was the only one Nomura decided on from the start, with Nomura stating Terra would be designed younger than shown in previous games.