Copyright © 2000-2020 by Michele Welton. 8:30am - 5pm (Mon-Fri), PHONE ENQUIRIES I mainly breed Irish Terriers but over the years have been involved in many other breeds in the Group. They have a handsome beard and in the same time, they are adaptable and active, suitable for both lives in the city or in the country. They make a good show dog although most people who purchase an Irish Terrier want them solely for their happy and fun nature. Member since September, 2000 ; Breeder shows dogs; Next Litter Planned: Unknown. Long ago he was used by the Irish farmers as a worker, guard dog for the family and a wonderful companion. All rights reserved. Dark red varieties are more common, and their dense and wiry coat helps to protect the dog from the elements of harsh weather. He is an Irish gentleman from the tips of his braced toes to the rough hatch of his crown. Only near the end of the nineteenth century did the solid red color become a fixture of the breed. Ideal Owner/s Single people, married couples, or families looking for a loving and devoted companion. They can be quite a handful with they don’t have regular and consistent training, they can be known to play rough so they are not recommend for quiet children. The Irish Terrier is full of life, but not hyperactive; it should be able to relax inside the house and be roused to full activity level quickly. Run a grooming mitt over him to smooth down the hair and encourage blood flow to the skin and follicles. See All of Michele's Best-Selling Dog Books, 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy, Homemade Dog Food Delivered To Your House, Puppy Training Schedule: What To Teach, and When, Solve Behavior Problems By Teaching Your Dog To Respect You, Is medium-sized, with a slender, elegant build, Doesn't shed too much (shed hairs are trapped in his wiry coat until you brush them out), Makes a keen watchdog, yet is usually dependable with people, The dynamic terrier temperament (see full description below), Providing enough exercise and activities to keep them busy, Aggression toward other animals – chasing instincts, Waiting lists (hard to find) and high price tag, You can avoid some negative traits by choosing an ADULT dog from an, If you want a puppy, you can avoid some negative traits by choosing the, Finally, you can avoid some negative traits by. Irish Terrier temperament, personality, training, behavior, pros and cons, advice, and information, by Michele Welton, Dog Trainer, Behavioral Consultant, Author of 15 Dog Books, The AKC Standard says, "There is a heedless, reckless pluck about the Irish Terrier which...coupled with the headlong dash, blind to all consequences, with which he rushes at his adversary, has earned for the breed the proud epithet of Daredevil.". Please also remember to give your dog their daily or monthly heartworm treatment and a booster vaccination every 12 months. You can visit my webpage as shown above. An Irish Terrier may not be right for you. He has a heart three sizes too big for his shaggy body; a heart that is as white and clean as that of a knight-errant. But terriers should not be trusted off-leash. Irish Terriers have small ears and medium tail. OFFICE ADDRESS He is more. Dog training videos. Liebe Irish Terrier Freunde, es kann immer mal wieder vorkommen, dass ein Irish Terrier seinen Besitzer verlassen muss. By the 1880s, the breed was the fourth most popular in England. Used in World War I as messenger and sentry for Ireland, the Irish Terrier is intelligent and adaptable, and has been serving people faithfully for well over a century. History of the Irish Terrier . Care. It's not known how far back the history of the Irish Terrier really goes, although they are thought to be one of the oldest of the Terrier breeds. Dashing and bold Irish Terriers are medium-sized dogs, standing at a full height of 17- 20 inches from shoulder to paw. Every line of the body is eye-catching, and the overall picture is beautifully balanced. Smoothing down the hair encourages blood flow to their follicles. Great care goes into socialising young stock and we are proud of the achievement made by MONTELLE not … Breed Personality/Characteristics/Temperament As mentioned, they are a wonderful companion, intelligent, affectionate and a great family dog. They will take off after anything that runs. Irish Terriers are the prototype of a long-legged terrier. Josh Naleway is from Illinois and been a breeder of Irish Terriers for 17 years. The Irish Terrier is a dog full of character and are affectionately known as “Daredevils”, they are spirited, loyal and very active. You can avoid some negative traits by choosing an ADULT dog from an animal shelter or rescue group. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training. They can be trained at an early age to be an obedient dog. More traits and characteristics of the Irish Terrier. But to the death, he is the comrade, protector, and exuberant playmate, and sympathising comforter of the human who has won his heart and respect. I recommend these dog training videos that are based on respect and leadership. I am a breeder of Merit . Care Requirements The Irish Terrier has a double coat - a soft undercoat and a harsh top coat. Irish Terrier Appearance. I am active in obedience competition, rally competition, and confirmation competition. Irish terriers shed minimally, but that doesn't mean they don't need to be brushed regularly. There is a psychic side of the Irish Terrier too, found in almost no other dog, a tinge of the mysticism of the land of his ancestry., POSTAL ADDRESS Irish Terriers are dog-aggressive and will not back down from a fight, and therefore must be trained and kept on a leash when out in public. MONTELLE VIOLET ROSE (VIOLET) & CH MR SIRUS AT MONTELLE (HENRY) ABOUT MONTELLE. t: 03 9788 2500 Either way, keeping the Irish Terrier looking good can be done by the breeder who normally offers after sales service. Leashes and secure fences are compulsory, for he is exceedingly fast and agile, with strong chasing, digging, and jumping instincts. The Irish Terrier is a healthy dog and does not suffer with any major problems. The Irish Terrier is considered to be a generally healthy breed, and many of the previous problems and concerns associated with this breed have been bred out. They have a highly developed sense of loyalty and it is important that they have a strong responsible leader, for whom they have natural respect. The Irish Terrier does best with active families, for without exercise and lots of companionship and personal interaction, he will become bored and seek to entertain himself -- and his choices usually involve mischief and destructiveness. It is advisable to brush their coat once a week to get rid of dead or loose hair to give them a clean look. Sometimes it's easier to train your puppy (or adult dog) when you can see the correct training techniques in action. Irish Terriers are bred in solid colors of wheaten, red wheaten, or dark red, usually with a patch of white around the chest. But, as with any breed, there are some medical concerns that you need to know about. The Irish Terrier was the first breed to be recognized by the English Kennel Club as a native Irish breed. Terriers can be stubborn and dominant and will make you prove that you can make them do things. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training. If you can lift your Irish Terrier, you can use a home weigh-in method, using three simple steps : Step on to the scales and weigh yourself; Pick up your dog and step back on the scales. While it is not always a problem with all dogs, some of this breed can be difficult to housebreak. Ideal Owner/s Single people, married couples, or families looking for a loving and devoted companion. WELCOME TO THE MONTELLE IRISH TERRIERS & TOY POODLES. The Irish Terrier has a strong protective instinct, so he should be socialized well with people at an early age so as to avoid instances of biting and snapping. I judge the Terrier Group and the Hound Group. An Irish Terrier may not be right for you. Irish Terrier Breed Overview. I have Irish Terrier puppies available from time to time. Weighing a Irish Terrier is likely best at the vets due to their size, no vet will object to you visiting for a weigh-in. Liebe Irish Terrier Freunde, es kann immer mal wieder vorkommen, dass ein Irish Terrier seinen Besitzer verlassen muss. 655 Westernport Hwy Keep in mind that the inheritance of temperament is less predictable than the inheritance of physical traits such as size or shedding. I am currently the only accredited breeder of Irish Terriers in New Zealand. These very descriptive words were written by Albert Payson Terhune (USA). Many terriers are possessive of their food and toys and will defend these from all comers. Keep in mind that the inheritance of temperament is less predictable than the inheritance of physical traits such as size or shedding. If chronically bored they can become problem barkers. Bathing should only be done when absolutely necessary using a mild shampoo to preserve the integrity of the coat. They will be able to give you information about available puppies and also suggest dog shows where you can see the breed and speak to breeders. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig, wichtiger ist uns jedoch, für einen solchen in Not geratenen Irish Terrier wieder einen neuen Besitzer zu finden – und dass beide miteinander glücklich werden. Skye 3977 His reaction to strangers varies from polite to aloof, and even the polite ones are vigilant watchdogs. Irish Terriers can live in an apartment or a home with a small yard, and if they get enough exercise they generally behave quite well indoors. Irish Terriers need to spend time with their family and being a small to medium size, neat and unlikely to shed lots of hair, they are good indoor dogs. Read more about Irish Terrier Training. In Conclusion Now you know a little about the Irish Terrier and have decided this is the dog for you or you want more information, make contact with the breed club or your State controlling body for purebred dogs. Irish Terriers are good with people. Use a pin brush to pull out the dead hair and encourage a healthy look. Please contact me if you are interested. The Irish Terrier’s first paintings, in spite of the fact, that the breed’s so ancient, are dated 1700. The Irish Terrier can be exceedingly scrappy with other animals, whether canine or feline, and will make short shrift of rabbits and rodents. The Irish Terrier is full of life, but not hyperactive; it should be able to relax inside the house and be roused to full activity level quickly. What is known, though, is that they gained popularity because of their adaptability, bravery and work ethic. Many terriers will not tolerate any nonsense from little life forms whom they consider to be below themselves in importance. This breed likes to chase and dig. Daily brushing and a good comb will keep the coat in good condition but it does need regular stripping or clipping. Irish Terriers have an overwhelming desire to see and experience every part of the world. To train an Irish Terrier successfully, the trainer must learn to be firm without being harsh and to keep the lessons short and interesting. Irish, like most terriers, are independent and strong willed. If you are looking to add an Irish to your family, please do not hesitate to contact me or visit my website for more information. It was found in Cork of Ireland and named after this country. It’s good to have a breeder who has had many successful years of experience, but remember that everyone has to start somewhere. Bathe your dog only as necessary. In "The Dog," a widely respected 1872 book by Idstone (published by Cassell London), there was nothing about Irish Terriers. An Irish will be bored by hours of repetition and will not be a willing, happy student. The Irish Terrier is a healthy dog and does not suffer with any major problems. The prefix MONTELLE was granted by the Kennel Club in the 1970's and is associated with good, healthy stock of good temperament. I do not recommend Irish Terriers around small children. Here are 10 questions to ask Irish Terrier breeders before buying a puppy from them: 1) How long have you been breeding Irish Terrier puppies? Owners must realise they are taking this lovely breed on for its lifetime. Irish Terriers must be taught at an early age that they are not the rulers of the world. The Irish Terrier is not recommended for the novice, sedentary, or inexperienced dog owner. The problem is that most dog training videos on the internet are worthless, because they use the wrong training method. He is no bully, but will flinch not one-hundredth of an inch from the fight that is forced on him, be the odds ever so impossible against him. Irish Terrier history may have its origin in the mid- to late-17th century, but as the first known records date to the 1870s, that tends to be the accepted period. During the First World War, they were used as messenger dogs during trench warfare, proving their intelligence and usefulness. Help out in recuse ,also when someone needs help. Irish Terriers are not a good choice for a home with other pets. The average Irish Terrier stands 46 cm tall and weighs 12 kg if it is a male and 11 kg if it is female. Irish Terriers are bold and adventurous but also have hot-fiery tempers. Locked Bag K9 The Irish Terrier is perhaps the finest dog on earth.