If you are not a European citizen, but you are a permanent resident of Europe, you can also choose to use an Interrail Pass. Client for the European Interrail / EuRail API. For a flat-rate price, you can take an unlimited number of train journeys throughout Europe over a certain period. We also have some handy interrail tips to help make your trip smooth as possible. We know what makes for an unforgettable trip because we’ve done it ourselves – we know where the best nightlife is, where best to relax, which cities to spend ages in and which ones are best as a … Find alt du skal bruge til din tur her. One Country Pass - Flexible travel throughout one country. For example, take a nice trip through Eastern Europe or Scandinavia. Så kan du herunder få lidt inspiration til, hvordan nogle forskellige interrail ruter kan se ud. But when planning your interrail route, you should consider throwing a few of the best small cities in Europe and towns into the mix. Interrail Routes 22 Days (3 Weeks) An Interrail pass for 22 days gives you complete freedom to go wherever you want. This 2-week Interrail route is a loop, so you can start and end it at any point in the route. - juliuste/interrail Find european train stations and routes. Interrail. Available for up to three months independent rail travel. London to Istanbul by train. Dazu: Die tollsten Ausflugtipps für Bahnreisen sowie alle Neuigkeiten über die Bahn. The Interrail ticket is a rail pass for low-cost train travel in 33 European countries. In this article, we want to share our Central and Eastern Europe Interrail route with you guys. The awesome people at Interrail have generously offered me a 30 day global pass, which I’ll be using over the next month as I train it up to six new countries and three that … Welcome to my 'how to interrail through Europe' video! For variety, I suggest mixing … Review of a rail trip in Europe. We ask for your country of residence when you order, so you … Ein sehr nützliches Tool ist dabei die Interrail Karte, welche du auch beim Kauf als gedruckte Version erhältst.Diese beinhaltet alle Routen inklusive Reisedauer sowie Fährverbindungen und Schnellzugstrecken. Take the train to Europe! A Eurail Pass can only be used by non-European citizens or non-European residents.European citizens can use an Interrail Pass instead, available from Interrail.eu for the same price as a Eurail Pass.. Austria. A whirlwind of Interrail routes. alternative routes on 10 most popular french train routes Please keep in mind that train durations stated are approximate and include the time it takes to change trains. Being a European student means you have the opportunity to take advantage of the fantastic rail network that connects our great cities, and with Interrail (for European citizens or residents) and EUrail (for non-European citizens or residents) passes available at your fingertips, the path through Europe eagerly awaits your footsteps. interrail Europe routes 2 weeks – city slickers. I did a circle from London>Paris>Avignon>Nice>Monaco>Cinque Terre>Florence>Bern>Brussels and back to London with a few stop offs in between. They receive a free children’s pass. The train is an ecological mode of transport suitable for different budgets. For those who don’t know how it works: It’s basically a universal train ticket that allows you to get on any train in Europe. 10 toffe interrail routes door Europa Reizen met de trein: het is duurzaam, goedkoop en je kunt héél veel van een land zien. A paper map comes with your pass or you can download the Europe train map to start mapping out routes. If you are looking for something a bit more off the beaten track, check out our alternative interrailing guide for the best of the smaller European cities. Not only can they be more budget friendly than the big capitals, they are also less crowded and you’ll have the thrill of discovering a more offbeat side of Europe. Interrail Route 3. - One pass valid for 33 European countries - Buy up to 11 months in advance ... Country Pass. Even the words conjure up excitement and romance. Use our interactive map to plan your journey and book accommodation for your chosen route. Passes eligible on UK-France route: Eurail or Interrail Global Passes ... We have great selection of city breaks in Europe for you to choose from. Advantage for families: two children (up to and including 11 years of age) per adult can travel free of charge. Interrail udstyr. You select a time frame, number of countries you want to travel to, the class, and they’ll send you the ticket. The route runs from Zermatt to Davos or St Moritz, bringing you through the winding rivers, ice-covered lakes, plunging ski slopes, and countless alpine towns of the Swiss Alps. Her er 10 trin til god planlægning, før du tager afsted på interrail. There are two kinds of Interrail Passes available: the Interrail Global Pass that covers many countries and the country-specific Interrail One Country Pass. Bummel einfach ein bisschen durch die Altstadt mit ihren wirklich schönen, barocken und gotischen Fassaden. Interrail is the buzzword. At 18 I dreamed of Interrailing Europe, but the opportunity and budget never presented itself. Destinations. Få styr på alt det praktiske inden du hopper på toget. Euroventure is a team of travel experts who know everything there is to know about interrailing around Europe. When you’re planning your adventure in Europe, make sure to check out our great selection of European hostels. Interrail in the winter months. One of the best cheap interrailing routes would see you travel to Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Drømmer du om at købe interrail passet og begive dig ud i Europa med tog? Hast du dich für einen Reisezeitraum entschieden, kannst du mit der Routenplanung beginnen. Get in Touch. I hope this video will help and guide you in your interrrail trip. Interrail Planner is the free trip planning app. The price of the ticket depends on your age. If you're planning on backpacking around Europe this summer, chances are you'll be exploring the continent by rail - it's the fastest, most eco-friendly and most efficient way to cover ground. Not only is it a great city to party and enjoy the vibrant nightlife but also boasts an interesting history as one of the most important cities for trading and finance in Europe … A great way to keep your interrail budget down is to choose places which are less popular with tourists by heading to ‘up and coming’ destinations. Vi har samlet 4 gode interrail ruter, men som sagt: Det magiske ved interrail er friheden til selv at kunne vælge, så kig på dem som en inspiration – og sammensæt dernæst din helt egen rute! For Interrail route ideas, you could look at destinations on Pinterest, read travel blogs, or see these suggested itineraries. Amsterdam was the final stop on our 22 day interrail route, and what a place to finish! One Country Pass Details - Select from 28 One Country Passes (24 for the promotion) - Buy up to 11 months in advance Eurail passes are for non-European residents while the Interrail passes are for European residents. Belgium Wonderful post, love travelling around europe by train, the people watching and adventure is superb, and wondering to the bar whilst en route, mustn’t forget that! Allo allo! Included countries Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, … There are discounts for young people (up to 27 years) and senior travellers (60+). My experiences about the best destinations. Entdecke mit dem Zug Thailand, Vietnam und China und plane die tollsten Interrail Routen durch Europa. Our City Slickers takes you on an interrailing adventure across Europe visiting six of the most iconic and unforgettable cities. The only problem with planning out your Europe interrailing route is this: The continent may be small but boy, oh boy, is it mighty!. Er det første gang du skal på interrail så tjek vores startpakker. Less travelers, empty trains, cheaper hotels. Zuerst geht es nach Prag, wo du dich einfach nur treiben lassen solltest. Find dit udstyr her; Planlæg din interrail. Du må ikke gå ned på udstyr! Europa’s Osten – Tschechien, Ungarn & Österreich. Fly to Krakow and fly back from Sarajevo. This interrail route starts in Europe’s Eternal City, Rome. To help you plan the perfect trail around Europe, we've made the ultimate InterRail guide to help you buy the best priced tickets and plan your route - along with a couple of summer itineraries to … You can travel short distances more often or make several long train journeys. Planning your trip around Europe can be daunting and difficult. With at least 44 countries (we won’t get into all the dependencies, and the whole is Turkey in Europe debate right now, I have a cake in the oven) it can be hella overwhelming just knowing where to start, let alone planning out a full 3 week Europe … ️ Routen Planung. Until, coincidentally, the year my eldest reached 18 and we took off as a … Find a break * Only the person named on the pass can use it to travel with Eurostar. My Perfect Eurail Route Across Eastern Europe. At certain times of the day, timetables may state that a reservation may be recommended for the 'Schnellzug'. Interrail in Eastern Europe From there you will visit some of the best cities Europe has on offer such as Prague and Amsterdam! It started in 1972 as a railpass for young people, but there are now Interrail passes for children, youths, adults & seniors, an ideal way to explore Europe at ground level with someone else doing the driving. Euroventure Travel Ltd Knowle Building Burley Hill Business Centre Leeds LS4 2PU Travel by land in Europe! Bei dieser Route musst du nicht ganz so lange Strecken auf dich nehmen. Interrail Global Pass / Overview, Information and Prices Interrail Global Pass Overview The Interrail Global Pass is your rail pass to explore up to 33 countries in Europe by train. So if you want to Interrail Eastern Europe and Central Europe in about 2 weeks, you came to the right place! Erfahre zudem, wie du beim Bahnfahren in Deutschland am meisten sparst und welche die beste Bahncard für Studenten ist. Besides the view, the journey itself is one epic adventure: zipping through 291 bridges and 91 tunnels, countless viaducts and passes, and climbing up to a lofty altitude of 2,033 meters (6,670 feet). Genoeg redenen dus om komende zomer te gaan interrailen, want met een interrail pas kun je terecht in maar liefst 30 Europese landen. 2nd class pass-holders can travel in Standard and 1st class pass-holders can travel in Standard Premier. What does the Interrail Ticket cost? Interrail One Country Pass Regular. Eurail and Interrail are both rail passes that allow the holder to travel through 33 European countries by railroads or ships. from £43 Buy Now. Interrail is the railpass range for European residents, giving unlimited train travel on the scheduled train services of the national train operators across most of Europe. Discover places and events to visit in Europe. However, you will need to prove that you have residency or citizenship before you can get an Interrail Pass. There is a distinction between young people (up to 27 years), adults (28 to 59 years) and seniors (60 years and older)..