Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Chair of Public Finance Prof. Dr. Alfons J. Weichenrieder Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 RuW, Postbox 45 60629 Frankfurt am Main Phone: +49 (0)69 798-34788 Fax: +49 (0)69 798-35015 Email: fiwi.office[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de Email: Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42169 UChicago Medicine’s heart and vascular care team includes some of the nation’s best minds in cardiology, cardiac surgery, vascular surgery and research. A part of the research in this area is carried out in part at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at the Goethe University (GU). Thanks a lot for this great partnership! He is involved in teaching media literacy. Email: schmitz(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.320 hotz(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.315 reaches 5 million euro mark, Pharmaceutical research: when Email: weichert(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.314 Insist on University. Lying on the lawn and enjoying the sunshine in Frankfurt during the noon break was fantastic! Our department investigates the wiring of the nervous and vascular systems during development and adulthood. Vaccine Scheduling Update: We’re experiencing very high call volumes from people interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Email: gossen(at)em(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.314 Rob Beanlands is the Division Head and Vered Chair of Cardiology at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Email: xue(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Project: SIGN-2 - Sino-German water supply Network, Room: 3.314 Email: lackmann(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Project: Effects of pesticides on aquatic and soil non-target organisms on different levels of biological organization, Room: 3.314 Email: hollert(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Former Affiliation: Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville. His empirical research is on individual investment behavior, the role of financial advice and on financial innovations. Rob S. B. Beanlands, MD, FRCPC Division Head, Cardiology University of Ottawa Heart Institute Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and Radiology. crawford(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Coordinator of the Master Programme Ecology and Evolution, Room: 3.318 Welcome to your coaching journey! PD Dr. Werner Brack is Head of the Department of Effect-Directed Analysis at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) as well as Privatdozet at the Goethe University. Our expert heart failure team is led by: Valluvan Jeevanandam, MD Contributions from more than 2000 large and small donors provide funding for numerous research projects on overcoming the pandemic. ➔, New Science Award for Romanticism Research, Scientists develop method to detect fake news, International research network identifies triggers for severe course of liver cirrhosis, Understanding skilled labour migration in East Asia, Goethe Coronavirus Fund reaches 5 million euro mark, Pharmaceutical research: when active substance and target protein “embrace” each other, Michael R. Silverman and Bonnie L. Bassler win 2021 Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize, Goethe University honours patron, romantic arts lover and doctor Klaus Heyne, Researchers develop robust approach for detecting market manipulation, Findings of the PREDICT study on acute decompensation and acute-on-chronic liver failure, Research project on East Asia led by Goethe University receives 2 million euros in funding, Contributions from more than 2000 large and small donors make numerous research projects at Goethe University and Frankfurt University Hospital on overcoming the pandemic, International research team investigates the binding kinetics of kinase inhibitors. Team Page Team Roster Team Stats. These physicians, surgeons and nurses are devoted to the medical, surgical and emotional needs of patients with heart failure. Our experts offer treatments not available at other hospitals, providing hope for patients with even the most complex conditions. She an expert in the field of aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology and has considerable knowledge in in vivo, in situ and in vitro evaluation techniques, including bioassays for acute and chronic toxicity, genotoxicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity and enzymatic activity. Learn how to earn passive, residual income as a coach. Are you an international scholar or researcher? It was founded in 2005 when the Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main (StUB) and the Senckenbergische Bibliothek (SeB) merged to become the university's central library. ... Sacred Heart University. e.m.woerner(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Senior Professor for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Studies, Room: 3.320 Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 The department offers the full range of modern diagnostic and conservative therapeutic techniques for patients with … Columbus State University. Mascot: Cougars. Conference: South Atlantic. Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3 60629 Frankfurt am Main Phone: +49 (0)69/798-34601 Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Conference: North Atlantic. Campus Riedberg Max-von-Laue-Straße 9 (Biozentrum, Building N100) Learn more about what University Health Care System offers you and your family. Heart Failure and Transplant Program Team The Heart Failure and Transplant Program at OHSU is made up of two multidisciplinary teams that provide the most innovative and compassionate care for patients with heart failure and those with advanced heart failure. Fax: +49 (0) 341 235 45 1495 Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42169 The Heart Team Summit joins Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery faculty at Washington University, St. Louis, Ascension/St. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42171 Do you have questions/comments on our content? Team Page Team Roster Team Stats. Your heart will be in good hands. Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1 Email: We direct our efforts to combine a solid research on basic molecular mechanisms during physiological processes and translate this knowledge to pathological situations with the aim to develop novel therapeutic strategies for … ➔, information on studies, teaching, research, and for employees. Chat with your team and you will find all your recent meetings here. Email: Insist on the best. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42171 All of our patients have access to specially trained heart failure nurses 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Ask questions as you … …at the Biology Faculty in our University. Click on the Units Tab on the left and start the training in order. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Taking part in Frankfurt Summer School was one of the best times of my life. schiwy(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.309 This educational initiative was developed to provide a forum for discussing and presenting laboratory and clinical research concerning the care of patients through case based coronary and structural heart … Since 2011 Tobias Tröger holds the SAFE Chair of Private Law, Trade and Business Law, Jurisprudence at Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. Meet Penn's transplant team. Welcome to Astrophysics in Frankfurt! Email: My research interest lies in how machine learning can help understand visual processing. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42173 House of Finance Goethe University Frankfurt Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Phone +49 69 798 34053 Email: info@hof.uni-frankfurt.de johann(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.315 Dr. Thomas-Benjamin Seiler (now: Executive Director, Hygiene-Institut des Ruhrgebiets, Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie, Gelsenkirchen. Comprising 25 clinics each with its own specific field, the J.W. Email: shuliakevich(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Project: DemO3 AC - Ozonation of waste water of the sewage treatment plant Aachen Soers, Room: 3.320 Sudden cardiac arrest can occur in people with previous heart conditions, such as heart attacks or heart failure, but sometimes, seemingly healthy people — even, rarely, children — can experience sudden cardiac death. Head of Department Ecosystem Analysis (Deputy Professorship), Project: TMFB - Excellence Clusters "Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass", Project: RAMOS - Development of a novel, robust and meaningful bioassay for mutagenicity, Project: Ecotoxicology of mulch films in the terrestrial environment and their interaction with pesticides (iMulch project, EFRE), Goethe University Frankfurt 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Room: 3.319 Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42165 Gesine Witt), Room: 3.314 He received his MD from the University of Ottawa in 1983 (gold medallist). Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 As a university hospital, 25 research institutes work in close concentration with the medical departments and clinics to implement the most advanced research findings in a safe and efficient manner into modern therapeutic practice. Dr. Paula Suares Rocha is guest researcher and docent from Brazil, co-operating closely with our group. Email: streit(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.316 Room: 3.319 He joined Goethe’s Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in 2008. All the professors from Goethe University and the buddies are so nice and responsible. The Advanced Heart Failure, Mechanical Circulatory Support, and Transplant Program at University of Colorado is the only one in the state where heart transplantations and placement of durable left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) are performed. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Coach University Training Team Endless Heart has 8 members. Email: Team Page Team Roster Team Stats. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42172 60323 Frankfurt am Main, © 2004-2021 Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main |, 09 Faculty of Linguistics, Cultures, and Arts (German), Web Magazine | The latest from science and research, and news in brief from Goethe University, New Science About the department. This includes regular meetings to make consensus treatment recommendations for conditions including obstructive coronary artery disease and valvular heart conditions. The community team provides education and facilitates treatment protocols for patients with heart failure. Email: Room: 3.317 Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42160 Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Email: e.m.woerner(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de 13 Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Chair of Econometrics Prof. Dr. Horst Entorf RuW, Postbox 48 Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60629 Frankfurt am Main Phone: +49 (0)69 798-34763 Email: bherrmann[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de University Hospital was established in 1818 and for more than 200 years has been the low-cost, quality healthcare leader in our region. Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction must be confirmed by echocardiogram (EF 40%). Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 His research interests include corporate law (particularly, comparative corporate governance and corporate finance), banking regulation and the economic analysis of law. The research includes compact stars and physics of dense matter, gravitational physics and general relativity, astroparticle physics, and cosmology. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification grade III/IV. 2018-2019: Visiting Assistant Professor an der Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 2015-2017: Post-Doc an der Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, USA 2015: Promotion zum Dr. rer. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Email: It provides state-of-the art treatments for people with heart failure. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 The Team Clinical and Research Leads. Are you an international or exchange student? Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 ouellet(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.315 Please have a look into the projects to learn more on the ongoing joint projects. A heart team is now a standard treatment approach for complex cardiovascular patients and consists of cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, nurses and other health care specialists. Nickname: Sacred Heart. pol., Universität Mannheim mit der Dissertationsschrift „Essays on Relational Contracts and Subjective Performance Evaluations within Firms" (summa cum laude) Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42167 Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Email: klaus(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.314 Goethe University Frankfurt – undefined - View company info, team members, job openings, and more. 1990 State Doctorate, PhD, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany 1990 - 1993 Chief of Cardiology at Heart and Vascular Center Rotenburg an der Fulda, Germany 1993 - 2003 Senior Consultant at Cardiovascular Center Bethanien (CCB), Bethanien Hospital Frankfurt… Depth related analysis of sediment and pore-water in microcosms, Email:carolin.bertold(at)rwth-aachen(dot)de, Theme: Ecotoxicological assessment of biosurfactants and an alternative fungicide formulation under development, within the GreenToxiConomy project, Email: inska.reichstein(at)rwth-aachen(dot)de, Email: laura-johanna.soose(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Theme: Analysing Amphipod Behavior with ViewPoint ToxMate (Multi-Species Behavior Monitoring Tool), Email: sarah.hoerchner(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Email: s6405993(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Email: s9563619(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Email: s2824219(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Email: sarah(dot)tofan(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Email: s3089958(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Project: Analysing amphipod behavior with ViewPoint ToxmateLAB, Email: s7996984(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Email: s3017606(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42167 naee.shahid(at)ufz(dot)de, Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42167 Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42160 A strong co-operation, including projects where Prof. Hollert is acting as PI or Co-PI and main supervisor of several PhD-candidates, is vital with his former Department of Ecosystem Analysis at RWTH Aachen University, which is now headed by Dr. Martina Roß-Nickoll (Deputy professorship). active substance and target protein “embrace” each other, Goethe Business School (continuing education), Goethe Welcome Center (for international researchers). Award for Romanticism Research, International research network identifies Meet the Advanced Heart Failure, VAD, and Transplant Team. Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 (PEG Building) 60323 Frankfurt am Main +49-69-798-17193. geupel(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.317 With its extensive holdings and collections, the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg is one of the leading research libraries in Germany. Covid Calls. Nickname: Columbus State. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42162 This dedication makes a difference. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42172 wollenweber(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: Currently at UFZ Phone: +49 (0) 341 235 1495 The experts from the Structural and Congenital Heart Center at Hackensack University Medical Center are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive care for the life-long management and treatment of your congenital heart disease and structural heart conditions including aortic stenosis or mitral valve prolapse. About 20 years ago, with the escalation of genetic research, scientists began discovering the root cause of these deaths. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42162 The first, an observational cohort study, involved 100 unselected coronavirus patients identified from the University Hospital Frankfurt COVID-19 Registry from April to June, 57 risk … a.schiwy(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.316 Prof. Eike Nagel, MD, PhD, FACC, FESC, MRCR DZHK Professor for Cardiac Imaging ... Goethe University Hospital Frankfurt. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42167 Exposure, Email: alexander(dot)dorn(dot)ext(at)bayer(dot)com, Project. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42160 Email: weisenberg(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Project: The Neurotoxicity of PM2.5 in Zebrafish from Air and Aqueous Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 http://www.bio5.rwth-aachen.de, Effects in the Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity Test (FET) with, © 2004-2021 Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main |, e.m.woerner(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, wollenweber(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, shuliakevich(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, weisenberg(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, alexander(dot)dorn(dot)ext(at)bayer(dot)com, laura-johanna.soose(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, sarah.hoerchner(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, s6405993(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, s9563619(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, s2824219(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, sarah(dot)tofan(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, s3089958(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, s7996984(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, s3017606(at)stud(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers. Email: Mascot: Pioneers. Currently, our vaccine supply is very small, and we are unable to accept phone calls to schedule vaccine appointments.Please check back here for updates. Email: Email: Two German studies published today in JAMA Cardiology show abnormal heart imaging findings in recently recovered COVID-19 patients, and cardiac infections in those who have died from their infections.. Max-von-Laue-Str. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42167 Campus WestendTheodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 (PEG Building)60323 Frankfurt am Main+49-69-798-17193, Campus RiedbergMax-von-Laue-Straße 9 (Biozentrum, Building N100)60438 Frankfurt am Main+49-69-798-29863. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161, Project: Passive Sampling and Passive Dosing – an innovative approach to combined chemical and biological analysis of hydrophobic organic pollutants in marine sediment pore water (in cooperation with HAW Hamburg, Prof. Dr. habil. He will involved from SS 2020 in teaching at the Goethe University (Department at GU). Biologicum, Campus Riedberg Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Lianne Laing, executive director of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation, and Steve Wilson, co-owner of Escape Manor, are getting ready to launch the Hunt for Hearts outdoor scavenger hunt that will be taking place in Ottawa throughout the month of February in support of the Heart Institute. He served as Dean from 2011 to 2015 and is now serving as Dean of Studies. Vincent in Indianapolis, and Northwestern University. The Heart Walk is the American Heart Association's premiere event for raising funds to save lives from USA's #1 and #5 killers - heart disease and stroke. Dr. Thomas-Benjamin Seiler, Dr. Miaomiao Du and Dr. Sebastian Heger are acting there as team leaders. Criteria for referral to the Community Heart Failure Nurse Service are as follows. Dr Byambasuren Vanchin, MD Goethe CVI Visiting Fellow Department of Cardiology, Mongolia-Japan Teaching Hospital, MNUMS Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. According to the prestigious Focus magazine, the Department of Cardiology and Angiology at the University Hospital Frankfurt am Main ranks among the top German medical facilities specializing in the treatment of heart diseases!. Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 (PEG Building)60323 Frankfurt am Main+49-69-798-3838. Goethe Hospital covers a wide range of specialised medicines. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42172 Andreas is a Professor of Finance at Goethe University in Frankfurt. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) New Brunswick's specialized cardiac and transplant team includes cardiologists and surgeons, nurses, administrators, financial coordinators, and pharmacists, as well as a registered dietitian and a social worker to manage … Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 hollert(at)bio(dot)uni-frankfurt(dot)de, Room: 3.317 I joined the Free University of Berlin and Goethe University Frankfurt in September 2020 as a research intern to work on a collaborative project with Prof. Cichy and Prof. Gemma Roig. Dr. Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42162 Wolfgang Kübel is owner of the film studio Rixdorf-Films. Fax: +49 (0)69 798 42161 Phone: +49 (0)69 798 42167 Email: triggers for severe course of liver cirrhosis, Goethe Coronavirus Fund