GEKKO GROUP. Przedsiębiorstwo ma numer REGON: 32102504600000. Gekko Group | 508 followers on LinkedIn. A LOVE FOR LIFE AND THE PASSION TO SHARE IT. GEKKO GROUP - Bobrowniki - Nieruchomości • Sprawdź dane kontaktowe, telefon, e-mail, www • Through its different brands, Gekko Group brings innovative solutions to corporate travel (HCorpo, Teldar Biz), leisure travel (Teldar Travel, Miles Attack) and hotel contracting and wholesale (Infinite Hotel). Gekko provides results-driven field marketing solutions throughout the UK & Ireland for technology & leisure brands | Gekko provides results-driven field marketing solutions throughout the UK and Ireland for global technology & leisure brands. Siedziba firmy mieści się w miejscowości Szczecin w województwie zachodniopomorskim. And the passion to share it. Ein Jahr später, im März 2017, folgte … And the passion to share it. Gekko Group | 1,451 followers on LinkedIn. Firma "Gekko Business Group S.A." figuruje w rejestrze gospodarczym pod Numerem Identyfikacji Podatkowej: 9552317165. It’s free! | Thanks to the visionary projects of Micky Rosen & Alex Urseanu Gekko Group established a real brand in Frankfurt's hospitality and gastronomy industries. 2.6K likes. … A love for life. Senior Account Executive Gekko Group - Field Marketing & Experiential. A love for life. A love for life. The Gekko Group Inc | 93 Follower auf LinkedIn Gekko, Inc. provides the supply and procurement requirements of various industries. Seit Oktober 2016 expandiert die Gekko Group in Deutschland und so wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Mailänder Designer Piero Lissoni eine neue Stilikone und zweites Roomers in Baden-Baden eröffnet. 14 talking about this. The portfolio from apartments, hotels, gastronomy and event locations … Shine bright like Gekko. 77.39.Z - Wynajem i dzierżawa pozostałych maszyn, urządzeń oraz dóbr materialnych, gdzie indziej niesklasyfikowane Administratorem danych osobowych jest Sp. Founded in 2010 and based in France, Gekko Group is the European leading hotel booking platform. As a Hosco member, you have access to dedicated hospitality content and to thousands of jobs and internships worldwide. Sep 2017 – Jan 2018 5 months. z siedzibą w Warszawie (dalej ""). Contract positions representing Gekko’s clients and brands in the retail and B2B channels across the UK and Ireland. z o.o. A love for life. Dołącz do Facebooka, aby nawiązać kontakt z Jobsem Gekką oraz innymi osobami, które możesz znać. This is a message to all our followers, firstly to thank you for your support and secondly to let you know that from today we’ll be posting all our recruitment posts and job ads on both our main Twitter account @GekkoFM and Gekko Group - Field Marketing & Experiential company page rather than here. Strategic teams. During these Covid-19 times, through e-learning and e-commerce solutions, Gekko continue to Create Rewarding Connections Impactful Thinking In offering a full range of retail and B2B marketing services, Gekko thrive on making a difference for our brands, helping to create more opportunities to connect with end-users. Gekko Group | 82 followers on LinkedIn. Jobs Gekko jest na Facebooku. Our experienced industrial supply group brings a deep understanding of the complete procurement process. Search job openings at Gekko. And the passion to share it. Join Hosco and get the latest updates and opportunities from Gekko Group. Build relationships to enhance knowledge and awareness in the channel. With tools for job search, resumes, company reviews and more, we're with you every step of the way. 2.6K likes. Gekko Group brings over 35 years of experience to address your coal supply issues whether you need a spot cargo, a term contract or a mine acquisition, Gekko Group delivers. The formula: Individual lifestyle at the highest level. And the passion to share it. Field Based Careers. Gekko Group - Field Marketing & Experiential | 2912 obserwujących na LinkedIn. With Indeed, you can search millions of jobs online to find the next step in your career. This includes meeting the specific requirements of our clients. Zobacz więcej postów strony GEKKO GROUP na Facebooku 4 years 1 month. So if you’re not doing so already, please head over and follow us there for … Join one of our strategic teams and connect consumers with our brands. GEKKO GROUP. Spółka jest wpisana w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym (KRS) pod numerem: 0000390240. Gekko Group - Field Marketing & Experiential. Grâce à son modèle unique, Gekko, filiale du groupe AccorHotels, est aujourd’hui l’acteur incontournable de la réservation hôtelière BtoB sur les segments loisirs et corporate via ses différentes filiales que sont HCorpo, Teldar Travel, Infinite Hotel et Miles Attack. 9 Gekko jobs including salaries, ratings, and reviews, posted by Gekko employees. 18 talking about this.