What is an acre? In the United States both the international acre and the US survey acre are in use, but differ by only two parts per million, see below. It is defined as the area of 1 chain by 1 furlong (66 by 660 feet), which is exactly equal to 1⁄640 of a square mile, 43,560 square feet, approximately 4,047 m2, or about 40% of a hectare. De metrische oppervlaktematen (vierkante centimeter, vierkante meter, are, hectare, etc.) Also, wenn du wissen möchtest wie viele Quadratmeter 1 Acker hat, kannst du diese einfache Formel verwenden. Barn wird verwendet, um sehr kleine Flächen wie die Querschnittsfläche eines Atoms in der Hochenergiephysik zu messen. Pour convertir une surface en m2 en acre, on multiplie par 0,0002471 ou on divise par 4046.856. meters) To determine the number of square meters in an acre, you multiply the value in acres by 4046.85642 (conversion factor). How big is an acre compared to a football pitch? 1 Acre is equal to 4046.8252519 Square Meter. 1 acre is equal to 4046.8564224 square meter. ›› Quick conversion chart of acre to square meter. Let's take a closer look at the conversion formula so that you can do these conversions yourself with a calculator or with an old-fashioned pencil and paper. Für eine genauere An Historisch gesehen war es die Fläche Land, die ein Ochsengespann an einem Tag beackern konnte. Mit der Faustregel (1 ha = 2,5 ac) kann ich es mir gut und beständig merken, die Genauigkeit ist locker ausreichend um auf die Schnelle die … 112 m2(s) / 4046.85642 = 0.027675802727058 ac(s) Rounded conversion. Die Kernphysik verwendet teilweise weitere Einheitenbezeichnungen für sehr kleine Flächen. The acre is a unit of land area used in the imperial and US customary systems. The acre is a unit of land commonly employed within North America and the Caribbean. There are 4,046.85642 square meters in an acre. All In One Unit Converter. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! Freie online Fläche Umrechnung. : die Morgen - angelsächsische Flächeneinheit, entspricht etwa 4047 m2: Letzter Beitrag: 30 Okt. Lien direct pour la conversion de %s (%s) en %s (%s) L'acre est une ancienne mesure de superficie. 1 Acre is equal to 4046.8564224 square meters. 11 sq.ft. Use this page to learn how to convert between acres and square meters. An acre is equal to how many square meters? Elle est toujours en utilisation dans les pays anglais pour mesurer des surfaces de terrains. The International spelling for this unit is square metre. Calculation Example of square metre in Acre By multiplication. The most commonly used acre today is the international acre. Le mètre carré est l'unité internationale de mesure de surface. For example, to calculate how many square meters is 2 acres, multiply 2 by 4046.8564224, that makes 8093.71284 sqm is 2 acres. The SI derived unit for area is the square meter. Barn. Acre Definition. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. l'acre et le mètre carré (m2) sont deux unités de mesures d'aires et surfaces dans le système métrique. 1 acre to square metre = 4046.85642 square metre. Note:- acre is International land measurement unit there value is not differ from place to place. In the United States both the international acre and the US survey acre are in use, but differ by only two parts per million, see below. 1 Acre = 4046.85642 Square Meter. It is defined as the area of 1 chain by 1 furlong (66 by 660 feet), which is exactly equal to 1⁄640 of a square mile, 43,560 square feet, approximately 4,047 m2, or about 40% of a hectare. Sie wird im SI gelistet, ist aber keine direkte SI-Einheit. Acres naar Vierkante Meters. für die gleiche Menge, typischerweise durch multiplikative Umrechnungsfaktoren (sq ft … 1 acre is equal to 1.6 (43560 sqft or 4047 sq m) in bihar You Can Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe our Youtube Channel. Using this converter you can get answers to questions like: How many square meters are in a acre? 1 acre is equal to 4046.8564224 square meter. There are 0.00024710538146717 acres in 1 square meter. In der Wissenschaft sind sie weltweit gebräuchlich. ›› Quick conversion chart of acre to square metre. 1.5 acres = 6070 square meters: 1.6 acres = 6475 square meters: Note: Values are rounded to 4 significant figures. Conversion Formula. Acres naar Vierkante Meters (ac naar m²) converter voor Oppervlakte conversies met extra tabellen en formules. In diesem Fall sind es 1 Quadratmeter und Acre (International). Physics Chemistry Recipes ⇌ Please, choose a physical quantity, two units, then type a value in any of the boxes above. The most commonly used acre today is the international acre. To convert acres to square meters, multiply the acre value by 4046.8564224. It is defined as the area of 1 chain by 1 furlong (66 by 660 feet), which is exactly equal to 1⁄640 of a square mile, 43,560 square feet, approximately 4,047 m2, or about 40% of a hectare. How much is 0.33333333333333 acre in square meters? 1 acre = 0.404686 hectares; 1 acre = 1/640th of a square mile; The most common shape for an acre is 1 furlong by 1 chain, or 660 feet by 66 feet. Quadratmeter in Acren (Einheiten ändern) Format Genauigskeitsgrad Hinweis: Bruchzahlen werden auf 1/64 abgerundet. Then multiply the amount of Acre you want to convert to Square Meter, use the chart below to guide you. In the United States both the international acre and the US survey acre are in use, but differ by only two parts per million, see below. Fractions are rounded to the nearest 8th fraction. Wie rechnet man 1 Acker in Quadratmeter um Um 1 acker in Quadratmeter umzuwandeln, musst du 1 x 0.00404686 multiplizieren, weil 1 acker gleicht 0.00404686 m². Wieviel acre möchtest du umrechnen? ... Quadratmeter, Quadratdezimeter, Quadratzentimeter und Quadratmillimeter. Quote of the day ... Show me Another Quote! taal. Area unit . So, 1.3 acres times 43560 is equal to 56630 square feet. Used widely in the US customary system and the Imperial system, an acre is a unit of area equal to 1/640 of a square mile, or 0.4047 of a hectare, or 43,560 square feet. Wie viel ist 1 Acre in m2? Convertir des acres en mètres carrés - ac en m² Choisissez les unités de surfaces que vous souhaitez convertir. Pour convertir une surface en acre en m2, on multiplie par 4046.856 ou on divise par 0,0002471. 1 acre = 4046.856 m2 1 m2 = 0,0002471 acre. zijn dus afgeleid van de metrische lengtemaat METER. Use this page to learn how to convert between acres and square meters. Ein Acre entspricht etwa 4046,86 Quadratmeter. All In One Unit Converter. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! Acre (Plural deutsch Acre oder Acres; englisch acre, Plural acres) ist eine von den Britischen Inseln stammende angloamerikanische Maßeinheit zur Flächenbestimmung von Grundstücken und entspricht im metrischen System grob 4047 m² beziehungsweise 40,47 Ar.. meter (4046.85642 sq. +> mit viel ♥ von CalculatePlus A square kilometer, or square kilometre, is a unit of area.It is the size of a square that is one kilometer on a side. Dat maakt het mogelijk om snel en eenvoudig eenheden om te rekenen. acre - der Morgen Pl. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. So, 1.5 acres times 4046.8564224 is equal to 6070 square meters. 30,351,423,168.00 m²: 1.000.0000 acre: 40,468,564,224.00 m² : Gebruik van de acre De oppervlakte-eenheid acre is in onze streken de laatste decennia wat in onbruik geraakt doordat we vanaf 1960 het metrieke stelsel gaan adopteren zijn. Sprache. 20, 10:35: Ein acre sind zwar 4047m2, aber ein Morgen (der auch wirklich ungebräuchlich ist) war zulet… 4 Antworten: Town of Acre: Letzter Beitrag: 15 Jan. 10, 18:21: The other two kings besieged the town of Acre heeelp!! To convert from square meters to acres, multiply your figure by 0.00024710538146717 (or divide by 4046.8564224) . Umrechner von Acren in Quadratmeter (von ac in m²) für Flächeumrechnungen mit zusätzlichen Tabellen und Formeln. = 1.02 m 2 » 1 m 2 " Square Yards " werden eher selten gebraucht, wohl aber der " Acre ", der 160 " square rods " oder 4 840 square yards enthält (in USA und Großbritannien, selbstverständlich ist er in Schottland und Irland anders definiert). omrekentabel acre naar hectare 1 An acre is defined as the area of 43560 square feet i.e. 112 m2(s) * 0.00024710538149159 = 0.027675802727058 ac(s) By division. A square meter is calculated as the area of a square that has 1 meter on each side. Acren in Quadratmeter. There are 4046.8252519 square meter in a acre. To calculate a acre value to the corresponding value in square feet, just multiply the quantity in acre by 43560 (the conversion factor). 1 Acre (ac) = 4046,8726 m² = 0,4047 Hektar (ha) Faustregel: 1 Acre geteilt durch 2,5 = Anzahl in Hektar 1 Hektar = 2,5 Acre . It is 1 million square meters, 100 hectares, about 247 acres, or about 0.386 square miles. :- 1 acre is equal to 1.6 (43560 sqft) bigha in bihar. Quote of the day ... Show me Another Quote! 1 acre = 4047 square meters: 1.1 acres = 4452 square meters: 1.2 acres = 4856 square meters: 1.3 acres = 5261 square meters: 1.4 acres = 5666 square meters: 1.5 acres = 6070 square meters: 1.6 acres = 6475 square meters: Note: Values are rounded to 4 significant figures. Konvertiere 1 Acre in m2 (acr.us in Quadratmeter). square meter = acre * 4046.8564224. Meet-éénheden Converteren > Metrische Converter > Oppervlakte Converter > Acres Conversie > Acres naar Vierkante Meters. ACRE TO SQUARE METER (ac TO m2) FORMULA . acres to square meters formula. Ein Barn entspricht etwa 10⁻²⁸ Quadratmeter. 1 acre = 43560/27220 bigha Ans. Umrechnung von Einheiten zwischen 1 Quadratmeter und Acre (International) (1 sq ft und ac) ist die Umrechnung zwischen verschiedenen Maßeinheiten. Note that the results given in the boxes on the form are rounded to the ten thousandth unit nearby, so 4 decimals, or 4 decimal places. Fractions are rounded to the nearest 8th fraction. Einheiten Umrechnen > Maßeinheiten Umrechnen > Flächenumrechner > Acren-Umrechnung > Acren in Quadratmeter. It is equal to 4,047 square metres or 43,560 square feet. 4046,8564224 m² – 1 acre; 7140 m² – Fläche eines Fußballfelds (FIFA-Norm) 7914 m² – überbaute Fläche des Kölner Doms; 10.000 m² (1 ha) bis 100.000 m² (10 ha) 1,09 ha – Grundfläche der Bahnsteighalle des Hamburger Hauptbahnhofs (nur Hauptspannweite 73 m × 150 m) 1,50 ha – Grundfläche des Petersdoms This means that there are 4046.85642 square meters in one acre. one chain (66 ft.) by one furlong (660 ft.) Calculated as; = 66 x 660 = 43, 560 sq. 1 ac ² = 4046.8252519 m². To convert between Acre and Square Meter you have to do the following: First divide 0.09290304*43560 / 1 = 4046.8564224 . Physics Chemistry Recipes ⇌ Please, choose a physical quantity, two units, then type a value in any of the boxes above. The most commonly used acre today is the international acre.