The project will see tunnels built from Greater Parramatta to the Sydney CBD creating 10,000 direct and 70,000 indirect jobs. The Western Tunnelling Package will be awarded shortly. We've shortlisted three groups for the tender to build 3.5km of new twin metro railway tunnels under Sydney Harbour between The Bays and the Sydney CBD - the | 10 comments on LinkedIn 00013/11723 Transaction Management Services (PDF, 3.19 MB), Sydney Metro Sub Portion Early Completion Agreement (PDF, 992.54 KB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest TSE Contract General Conditions (PDF, 72.92 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest TSE Contract Schedules (PDF, 113.7 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest TSE Contract explanatory table (PDF, 366.65 KB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest TSE Contract Independent Certifier Deed (PDF, 18.65 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest TSE Contract Independent Certifier Deed explanatory table (PDF, 70.7 KB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest - Variation to the OTS2 Early Works Deed (PDF, 3.14 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest - Variation to the OTS2 Early Works Deed - Explanatory Table (PDF, 93.86 KB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-132 Volume GIPA Act explanatory table (DOCX, 83.65 KB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-132 Volume 1 (PDF, 73.82 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-132 Volume 2 (PDF, 100.09 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-132 Volume 3 (PDF, 45.65 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-132 Volume 4 (PDF, 100.65 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-132 Volume 5 (PDF, 58.9 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-132 Volume 6 (PDF, 94.09 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-131 Volume GIPA Act explanatory table (DOCX, 72.21 KB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-131 Volume 1 (PDF, 73.15 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-131 Volume 2 (PDF, 95.07 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-131 Volume 3 (PDF, 47.74 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-131 Volume 4 (PDF, 101.98 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-131 Volume 5 (PDF, 60.46 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Demolition Contract Contract Number: SMCSW-131 Volume 6 (PDF, 64.97 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest TSE Deed of Variation (PDF, 34.09 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest TSE Deed of Variation - Explanatory Table (DOCX, 56.91 KB), Sydney Metro GC21 General Conditions of Contract (PDF, 11.68 MB), Sydney Metro GC21The Bays Road GC21 -Explanatory Table (PDF, 340.95 KB), Sydney Metro Retail Electricity Agreement (PDF, 699.89 KB), Sydney Metro Sydney Yard Access Bridge Contract SMCSW-141 GIPA Act Explanatory Table (DOCX, 78.84 KB), Sydney Metro Sydney Yard Access Bridge Project Contract & Schedules Volume 1 SMCSW-141 (PDF, 54.47 MB), Sydney Metro Sydney Yard Access Bridge Project Contract & Schedules Volume 2 SMCSW-141 (PDF, 46.88 MB), Sydney Metro Sydney Yard Access Bridge Project Contract & Schedules Volume 3 SMCSW-141 (PDF, 54.15 MB), Sydney Metro Sydney Yard Access Bridge Project Contract & Schedules Volume 4 SMCSW-141 (PDF, 36.23 MB), Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport SBT Design & Construction Deed (PDF, 187.52 MB), Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport SBT Deed - A Schedules (PDF, 7.95 MB), Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport SBT Deed - B Schedules (PDF, 2.32 MB), Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport SBT Deed - D Schedules (PDF, 517.86 KB), Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport SBT Deed - E Schedules (PDF, 401.91 KB), Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport (SCAW D and C Deed Executed 1 March 2022 Redacted) (PDF, 19.82 MB), Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport (SCAW D and C Deed Schedule A) (PDF, 5.88 MB), Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport (SCAW D and C Deed Schedule B) (PDF, 1.54 MB), Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport (SCAW D and C Deed Schedule D) (PDF, 339.09 KB), Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport (SCAW D and C Deed Schedule E) (PDF, 274.95 KB), Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport (SCAW GIPA Explanatory) (PDF, 945.34 KB), Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport GIPA Explanatory Table PACs (PDF, 81.76 KB), Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airports - GIPA Redaction PACs (PDF, 123.61 KB), Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airports GIPA Explanatory Table (PDF, 925.55 KB), Sydney Metro West - Western Tunnelling Works Design and Construction Deed - Redacted (PDF, 168.69 MB), Sydney Metro West - Western Tunnelling Works - Explanatory table of redactions (PDF, 1.35 MB), Sydney Metro West Power Enabling Works Construct Only Package Contract ASP1 (PDF, 18.15 MB), SMW CTP Deed - Main Body (Executed version) (PDF, 23.88 MB), SMW CTP Deed - Schedules Part A - Schedules A1-A31 (Executed Version) (PDF, 6.36 MB), SMW CTP Deed - Schedules Part B - Schedules B1-B28 (Executed Version) (PDF, 1.23 MB), SMW CTP Deed - Schedules Part D - Schedules D1-D21 (Executed Version) (PDF, 7.52 MB), SMW CTP Deed - Schedules Part E - Schedules E1-E11 (Executed Version) (PDF, 4.02 MB), SMW CTP Deed - GIPA Explanatory Table (PDF, 771.76 KB), Waterloo Integrated Station Development Station Delivery Deed (PDF, 10.02 MB), Waterloo Integrated Station Development Station Delivery Deed -Explanatory Table (PDF, 383.79 KB), Waterloo Integrated Station Development Station Delivery Deed Schedules (PDF, 38.84 MB), Waterloo Integrated StationDevelopment - General Conditions (PDF, 10.95 MB), Waterloo Integrated StationDevelopment - Schedules A-C (PDF, 36.99 MB), Waterloo Integrated StationDevelopment - Schedules D-F (PDF, 17.28 MB), Waterloo Integrated StationDevelopment - GIPA Explanatory Table (PDF, 701.31 KB), Waterloo Integrated Station Development Metro Quarter Development Project Delivery Agreement - Deed of Variation No. Acciona Ferrovial JVwas awarded the 11-kilometre Central Tunnelling Package between Sydney Olympic Park to The Bays Precinct in 2020 after a competitive tender process., The contract for early work on the Muswellbrook bypass has been awarded to a locally-owned and Aboriginal-owned business, as part of a larger effort to improve employment and business opportunities for Aboriginal communities in the Hunter region. proactive contract disclosure of construction-related contracts. This contract has been secured by Cimic Group's CPB Contractors, in joint venture (JV) with Ghella. Round table: Digitalisation and innovation. }); In addition to being the official publication of the Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT) it is also the official media partner of the biggest specialist trenchless technology event in the Southern Hemisphere, No-Dig Down Under. Despite how they look, they're actually full-sized excavators | 21 comments on LinkedIn Gamuda Australia and Laing O'Rourke Consortium will deliver the $2.16 billion Western Tunnelling Package (WTP) on the Sydney Metro West project on behalf of the NSW Government. Your email address will not be published. The project is set to create more than 10,000 direct new jobs and 70,000 indirect jobs, with many of them generated by these new tunnelling contracts. The Western Tunnelling Package will be awarded shortly. The western tunnelling package will be awarded soon after a shortlist was announced last year. The two successful shortlisted consortia to tender for the Hunter Street Precinct Development Partner are: Selection of the successful tenderer will include consideration of how they will improve the local area and create a vibrant precinct and a sense of place, not just a station. var backStyle = jQuery(".webskin-condition-class").attr("style"); This contract will employ a range of civil engineering trades and specialist services including drainage and ground workers, steel-fixers and concrete workers, earthmoving plant operators, truck drivers, piling contractors, crane operators, general labourers, pre-cast operators, surveillance officers and security guards. Open tenders., A consortium has been announced as the Preferred Proponent to replace the Fitzroy River Bridge in the Kimberley region. The successful tenderer will build six new metro stations and elements of the surrounding precincts, the stabling and maintenance facility, provide rail infrastructure and systems required for the supply, commission and operations of the new trains and also run the Sydney Metro to Western Sydney Airport line when operational. Sydney Metro snapshot: the view from above makes the huge machines down below look like toys. The beloved singer-songwriter's emotionally . "Sydney Metro West will create more than 10,000 direct new jobs and 70,000 indirect jobs - many of those jobs generated by this major contract." "To build these tunnels a broad range of skills will be required including tunnellers, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, concrete workers, truck drivers, labourers and security guards . The 24-kilometre new underground rail connection between the CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney will double rail capacity between the two CBDs, connecting the stations at Westmead, Parramatta, Sydney Olympic Park, North Strathfield, Burwood North, Five Dock, The Bays, Pyrmont and Hunter Street in the Sydney CBD. Central Station Main Works Incentivised Target Cost Contract - Contract No: 00013/3000 (PDF, 20.02 MB), Central Station Main Works - Schedules Part A (PDF, 49.19 MB), Central Station Main Works - Schedules Part B (PDF, 3.74 MB), Central Station Main Works - Schedules Part C (PDF, 43.91 MB), Central Station Main Works - Schedules Part C - SWTC Appendices (PDF, 163.04 MB), Central Station Main Works - Schedules Part D (PDF, 96.88 MB), Central Station Main Works - Schedules Part E (PDF, 120.45 MB), Central Station Main Works - Schedules Part F (PDF, 21.17 MB), Central Station Main Works - Schedules Part G (PDF, 32.08 KB), EDA Professional Services Contract redacted (PDF, 1.26 MB), GIC Letter of Intent - Redacted (PDF, 209.12 KB), GIC Letter of Intent - GIPA Explanatory Table (PDF, 71.61 KB), Green Products Purchase Agreement (PDF, 3.54 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Pitt Street Integrated Station Development Contract Number 506 Over Station Development Project Delivery Agreement (South) (PDF, 18.76 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest Pitt Street Integrated Station Development Independent Certifier Contract Number 11821 Explanatory Table (PDF, 37.5 KB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest - Sydenham Station and Junction Works Project (Sydenham Metro Upgrade) - Contract Number 410 (Amended Deed) (PDF, 147.92 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest - Sydenham Station and Junction Works Project (Sydenham Metro Upgrade) - Contract Number 410 (Original Contract) (PDF, 120.1 MB), Sydney Metro City & Southwest - Sydenham Station and Junction Works Project (Sydenham Metro Upgrade) - Contract Number 410 (Second Amended Deed) (PDF, 50.83 MB). var bodyBackImage = jQuery("body").css("background-image"); The contract is due to be awarded within weeks. Sydney. Acciona Ferrovial JV was awarded the Central Tunnelling Package after a competitive tender process. The organisations shortlisted to tender for the SSTOM package are: The Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport project will support 14,000 construction jobs, including 250 apprentices. Sydney Metro West is on track to be completed in 2030. Sydney Metro West is a new 24-kilometre metro line with stations at Westmead Pre-tender design delivery of Trains, Systems, Maintenance and Operations (TSMO) for Metro West. googletag.defineSlot('/36655067/rexweb', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-524549125979-0').setTargeting('pos', ['mrec2']).addService(googletag.pubads()); The Eastern Tunnelling Package contract is expected to be awarded by the end of 2022, while the Sydney Metro West is on track to be completed in 2030. googletag.defineSlot('/36655067/trenchlessweb', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-594507416841-0').setTargeting('pos', ['mrec4']).addService(googletag.pubads()); calatagan, batangas barangays calatagan, batangas barangays. To build the section tunnel boring machines will be used to excavate under Johnstons Bay alongside the Anzac Bridge, before heading to the new Pyrmont station. The Western Tunnelling Package will be awarded shortly. Your email address will not be published. Work on Sydney Metro West started at The Bays in 2020, with mega tunnel boring machines to be in the ground before the end of this year. The Australian and NSW governments are jointly delivering the 23-kilometre metro railway and six stations between St Marys and the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, including two stations at the airport, with a shared objective of having Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport operational when Western Sydney International airport opens for passenger services. Due to the scale of the project, tunnelling and excavation works have been split into three . Inside Construction is Australias leading news resource for the civil engineering and commercial construction industry. Required fields are marked *, On its journey towards fully diesel-free construction sites by 2029, the UKs HS2 project has announced that 10 sites are, The UKs HS2 project today confirmed that Florence and Cecilia the two 10.26m diameter Herrenknecht TBMs boring HS2s longest, Vancouvers Broadway Subway Project has reached a critical phase of construction with the start of tunnel excavation to connect six. Transport for NSW has confirmed the shortlist for the tenderers for stage two of Western Harbour Tunnel project which will see a second tunnel crossing across Sydney Harbour. The New South Wales Government on Friday shortlisted three consortia to deliver the Eastern Tunnelling package for Sydney Metro West project, which includes 3.5 kilometres of twin tunnels under Sydney Harbour between The Bays and the Sydney CBD. Community members are invited to submit their feedback on the proposal to Sydney Metro by emailing or writing to: Sydney Metro West PO BOX K659 Haymarket NSW 1240. Sydney Metro has shortlisted three consortia to deliver the final piece of tunnelling for Sydney Metro West. State legislation requires NSW government agencies to make certain information accessible to the public. The East moves West : India, China, and Asia's growing presence . Unauthorised reproduction is prohibited, on Sydney Metro shortlists consortia for Eastern contract, Iplex Australia appoints new general manager. Legendary Irish troubadour Damien Rice returns to Australia to play theatre dates around the country this May. var backStyle = jQuery(".webskin-condition-class").attr("style"); Work on Sydney Metro West started at The Bays in 2020, with mega tunnel boring machines to be in the ground before the end of this year. googletag.defineSlot('/36655067/rexweb', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-282557122496-0').setTargeting('pos', ['mrec3']).addService(googletag.pubads()); Sydney Metro West - Western Tunnelling Works Design and Construction Deed - Redacted (PDF, 168.69 MB) Sydney Metro West - Western Tunnelling Works - Explanatory table of redactions (PDF, 1.35 MB) Sydney Metro West Power Enabling Works Construct Only Package Contract ASP1 (PDF, 18.15 MB) SMW CTP Deed - Main Body (Executed version) (PDF, 23.88 MB) Then the first of four tunnel boring machines is expected to be in the ground before the end of 2022. Due to the scale of the project, tunnelling and excavation works have been split into two packages between Westmead and the Sydney CBD. City of Westminster moves against basement builders. googletag.defineSlot('/36655067/rexweb', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-149102538914-0').setTargeting('pos', ['mrec1']).addService(googletag.pubads()); Your email address will not be published. [ February 13, 2023 ] Design tender for Vilnius node launched [ February 13, 2023 ] Webuild consortium wins Trento rail bypass contract [ February 13, 2023 ] Egypt and . googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); setTimeout(function() { Three JVs shortlisted for Sydney Metro West tunnelling contracts THE New South Wales (NSW) government has shortlisted three consortia to deliver the first two major tunnelling packages for the Sydney Metro West project from Greater Parramatta to Sydney city centre. Admin, Shortlist announced for Sydney Metro West Eastern Package. Sydney Metro: Shortlist: John Holland, CPB Contractors and Ghella Australia Joint Venture, Gamuda and Laing O'Rourke Australia Joint Venture, and Acciona Australia and Ferrovial Australia Joint Venture . googletag.cmd.push(function() { T-2022-897 Enterprise Booking and Event Management System (EBEMS) The Council of the City of Sydney (the City) invites tenders for the purposes of completing and supporting the implementation of an Enterprise Booking and Event Management System (EBEMS) in accordance with this Request for Tender. Oct 2020 The Package was announced as part of the Transport for NSW's Transport Infrastructure Pipeline 2025. The caretaker period for the NSW Election commenced on 3 March 2023. The New South Wales Government has shortlisted three consortia to deliver the Eastern Tunnelling package for Sydney Metro Westproject, which includes 3.5 kilometres of twin tunnels under Sydney Harbour between The Bays and the Sydney CBD. Further Sydney Metro West stations revealed, $955 Million Central Walk, Sydney Metro contract awarded. Ray Chan February 14, 2022, 11:52 am The New South Wales Government has shortlisted three consortia to deliver the Eastern Tunnelling package for Sydney Metro West project, which includes 3.5 kilometres of twin tunnels under Sydney Harbour between The Bays and the Sydney CBD. Sydney Metro West will run between Greater Parramatta and the citys central business district (CBD), doubling rail capacity between the two and improving travel times. Supporting Sydney Metro on project integration, design integration, systems integration, interface management, integrated assurance, integrated testing and commissioning. }); Rail Express is Australias authoritative business to business rail publication. Two organisations have been shortlisted to deliver key construction work on the new metro railway line which will service Greater Western Sydney and the new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport. 1 Schedules A2-D6 (PDF, 24.62 MB), Waterloo Integration Station Development Metro Quarter Development Project Delivery Agreement - Deed of Variation No. Sydney Metro West is on track to be completed in 2030. Downer sells transport business to Gamuda, Major Inland Rail works commence in Victoria, ONRSR welcomes $30,000 fine for safety breach, Downer wins Queensland manufacturing contract, Training improved after overspeed incident. Sydney Metro West. The 24km West Metro extension from Central to Parramatta and Westmead. } Systems Connect (a joint venture between UGL Engineering Pty Ltd and CPB Contractors Pty Ltd). if (bodyBackImage && bodyBackImage !== 'none') { Transport for NSW recognise and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and care of Country. The consortia have been shortlisted to deliver the eastern tunnelling package which makes up the final section of tunnelling. Sydney Metro in its entirety forms Australia's biggest public transport project. Sydney Metro shortlists tenders for Hunter Street Station construction John Thompson November 8, 2022 Civil Construction, News, Planning, Policy, Rail 0 The New South Wales Government has shortlisted two construction consortiums for the delivery of its landmark Sydney Metro Hunter Street Station, to be awarded in 2024. All content published on this site is the property of Prime Creative Media. This section contains copies of Class 3 contracts for projects being undertaken by Sydney Metro. }, 2000); Trenchless Australasia is the leading source of news and information in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney Metro West will double rail capacity between Greater Parramatta and the Sydney CBD, transforming Sydney for generations to come. 8, Lendlease Development, Lendlease Building). For project enquiries or complaints about construction work: Transport for NSW recognise and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and care of Country. The NSW Government said the Western Tunnelling Package will be awarded shortly. The Eastern Tunnelling Package contract is expected to be awarded by the end of 2022. View this story to discover who was selected. Tenders announced in new Sydney Metro West contracting approach, Transforming Melbourne from the inside out. jQuery(".webskin-condition-class").attr("style", backStyle + "background-color: transparent !important"); The competition among the remaining shortlisted bidders, John Holland/CPB/Ghella and a joint venture of Gamuda and Laing O'Rourke, will be for the 9 km Western Package between Sydney Olympic Park and Westmead under the central package that was tendered as part of a two-stage bidding process. commercial-in-confidence provisions of a contract, any matter that could affect public safety or security, or. The station will have entrances on George, Hunter and O'Connell streets. var bodyBackImage = jQuery("body").css("background-image"); Three contractors shortlisted for Sydney Metro West tunnelling works 2 min read Monica Gameng | February 19, 2022 Sydney Metro is gearing towards delivering the final piece of tunnelling work for the Sydney Metro West development with the announcement of three shortlisted consortia to undertake the Eastern Tunnelling Package. Your submissions should reach Sydney Metro by 29 May 2020 and include: Your name and address. The project will deliver metro rail to new parts of Sydney, cut crowding on three major train lines and take tens of thousands of cars off the roads every day. Last month, Sydney Metro shortlisted two firms for executing construction work on this new metro railway line. The East Moves West may be ordered from: Brookings Institution Press, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Telephone: 1-800/537-5487 or 410/516-6956 Internet: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data Kemp, Geoffrey. A new metro station at Westmead - one of Australia's largest health and education precincts. The Eastern Tunnelling Package contract is expected to be awarded by the end of 2022. Artist renderings of the proposed redeveloped Hunter Street Station. Tender for Sydney Metro West - Western Tunnelling Package - Shotcrete Application.
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