Pub Trivia. endstream endstream Union and other European Union initiatives targeting … DiscoverEU: Questions and Answers. <>stream %PDF-1.4 Us avancem que la propera ronda de candidatures de DiscoverEU serà de l ... All you have to do is to participate in a quiz and answer a subsidiary question. <> DiscoverEU: Questions and Answers europa - newsroom EU. Answer questions such as, “When was America discovered?” and, “Who discovered gravity?” Start our discovery quizzes now. You can also use the DiscoverEU Facebook frame when you post a picture online and join the DiscoverEU Facebook Group. Which two major electronics companies developed the compact disc in 1979? Answer: The tomb of King Tutankhamen, or King Tut, … 3 0 obj They have to answer 5 multiple choice quiz questions on general knowledge about the European Union and other European Union initiatives targeting … He explored Panama, where he accomplished this feat. Traveling & Tips COVID-19. Have a look at the Help Center, where you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Today, the Commission opens the second round of DiscoverEU, with over 12,000 travel passes available for 18-year-olds in the EU to explore Europe in 2019. DiscoverEU is an initiative originally requested by the European Parliament with the objective of providing travel and mobility opportunities for young people turning 18. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Are you Ravenclaw? �t|ȥ��Ͳ����Q.���z_�����7si�,�j�q1ay���/O������. Linkedin. If the Discovery channel is one of your favorites and you dream of exploring unknown lands just as Christopher Columbus did then put on your boots, grab your map and take our discovery quizzes! 100 General Knowledge Quiz Questions . <>stream �
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� 8�p�� �f���_] endstream endobj In which country was the first modern motorway created? Be active on Twitter. x�+� � | x��\큫 L �@ �@ �` �@�@ �@ �` ��c? DiscoverEU: Questions and Answers Brussels, 2 May 2019 . What is DiscoverEU? Flexible travel option. On 29 November 2018, the Commission will open the second round of DiscoverEU, with over 12,000 free tickets for 18 year-olds in the EU to travel in Europe. Consult the Help Center. If you look carefully there will likely be helpful hints on the page itself or you can refer to google. When applying, participants have to tick a box to commit to becoming a DiscoverEU Ambassador. How to Play. Imperialism amp WWI Test Review History Quiz Quizizz. DiscoverEU: Questions and Answers Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) , gepubliceerd op woensdag 17 oktober 2018 . 2 0 obj �t|ȥ��Ͳ����Q.���z_�����7si�,�j�q1ay���/O������. endstream DiscoverEU Interrail Pass. Look no further! %PDF-1.4 Twitter. 4 0 obj Get answers to the most frequently asked questions below, or visit the European Youth Portal to find out more. DiscoverEU is an initiative of the European Union based on a proposal from the European Parliament. Are you Hufflepuff? Brussels, 29 November 2018. On 29 November 2018, the Commission will open the second round of DiscoverEU, with over 12,000 free tickets for 18 year-olds in the EU to travel in Europe. endobj This quiz is incomplete! Want to become a DiscoverEU Ambassador. Are you Slytherin? To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Inventions Quiz Questions . 5 0 obj <>stream DiscoverEU is an EU initiative which offers 18-year-olds a travel experience that will enable them to take advantage of the freedom of movement in the European Union, discover the diversity of European regions, enjoy its cultural richness, and connect with people from all over the continent. Step 3 – EU Quiz Questions. endobj Are you on the hunt for free general knowledge quizzes for your pub, party, social or school group? <>stream 4 articles Accessible travel. endstream <>stream @���y��K$���x|R^�_G5���T��#�F�Ȳ�ҿ�#_FSl�\���]�*����-�[��U�ҁ�D,���U��������M�+�
D,�}��"�|%�!�� &����& b�Ą^�[��\��ńZ(s*Uv��{dB��K_A��� email. x�S�*�*T�4P A ebn�`nd������i������ �Sl endobj Answer: The Spanish soldier and explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa (1475–1519) was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean. By travelling mainly by rail (there are exceptions to allow those living on islands or in remote areas to take part), young people discover Europe’ stunning landscapes and its endless variety of cities and towns. What is DiscoverEU? 2 0 obj World War I Questions for Tests and Worksheets. Round 1. Next you’ll need to answer 5 quiz questions about the EU such as ‘When will the next European Parliament elections take place?’. Question 1 endobj %���� @���y��K$���x|R^�_G5���T��#�F�Ȳ�ҿ�#_FSl�\���]�*����-�[��U�ҁ�D,���U��������M�+�
D,�}��"�|%�!�� &����& b�Ą^�[��\��ńZ(s*Uv��{dB��K_A��� Be wherever you want … Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . If you are selected, you can travel for a period of minimum 1 day and up to 30 days between 1 August 2019 and 31 January 2020. DiscoverEU: Questions and Answers. To be eligible, you need to be born between 2 July 2000 (included) and 1 July 2001 (included), have the nationality of one of the Member States of the European Union at the time of the award decision, and fill in the correct ID or passport number on the online application form.All you have to do is to participate in a quiz and answer a subsidiary question. endobj DiscoverEU is an initiative of the European Union giving European youth the opportunity to travel around Europe. DiscoverEU is an EU initiative which offers 18 year-olds a travel experience that will enable them to take advantage of the freedom of movement in the European Union, discover the diversity of European regions, enjoy its cultural richness, connect with people from all over the continent and ultimately discover themselves. What are the main differences between flexible and fixed travel? 5 0 obj DiscoverEU is an EU. x���� ��?�^+U��^�0�"53)f���E�h�p�� 8��?�q�������O����j�9Ѡ�g�]�
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Pz The aim of the initiative is to offer around young European citizens a free travel experience in Europe, enabling them to take advantage of the freedom of movement in the European Union and discover Europe’s richness and diversity. All applications are ranked per nationality: first according to the correct replies to the quiz and then according to whose answer to the open question came closest to the correct number. Quiz amp Worksheet WWI Poetry Study com. endobj Brussels, 17 October 2018. A.1 What is DiscoverEU? Resources to answer your DiscoverEU questions. WWI Discussion Questions Study com 1 / 11 1 0 obj endstream Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want DiscoverEU: Questions and Answers Brussels, 7 November 2019 European Commission - Questions and answers ... quiz. Popular Quizzes Today. DiscoverEU is an EU initiative which offers 18-year-olds a travel experience that will enable them to take advantage of the freedom of movement in the European Union, discover the diversity of European regions, enjoy its cultural richness, and connect with people from all over the continent. Question: Whose tomb was discovered in 1922? ... Then, all applicants will need tocomplete a quiz. 3 0 obj There are many online and offline ways of fulfilling your role as a DiscoverEU Ambassador. So, which house do you belong to? The following quiz questions are suitable for all age groups and range from easy to profoundly thought-provoking, covering a wide range of topics so everyone can join in the fun. <>/BitsPerComponent 8/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream answers. Choose the game quiz you like and play as many times as you want. Applicants need to respond to a quiz on EU cultural heritage, European Parliament elections and youth. The European Commission launched on 2 May a new call for applications for DiscoverEU travel passes. Use for example the hashtag #DiscoverEU and #EUandME in your communication on Instagram and other social media. DiscoverEU Questions and Answers. Search. <>/BitsPerComponent 8/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream What was invented by US students using aluminium flan cases? Who registered the first patents for the railway sleeping car? 3 Questions Show answers. x��\큫 L �@ �@ �` �@�@ �@ �` ��c? DiscoverEU is an EU initiative which offers 18-year-olds a travel experience that will enable them to take advantage of the freedom of movement in the European Union, discover the diversity of European regions, enjoy its cultural richness, and connect with people from all over the continent. 4 0 obj x�S�*�*T�4P A ebn�`nd������i������ �Sl ProProfs, one of the popular quiz builder platforms, has more than 187 history quizzes which have already been played around 93833 times. Which method of fast writing did Isaac Pitman develop? The programme specifically targets 18-year-olds, as this age marks a major step to adulthood, which should go hand-in-hand with an increased understanding of Europe in all its diversity. COVID-19 : For more information about the impact of the coronavirus on your trip, please visit the DiscoverEU help.start website. The World War 1 Test SomeTests com Tests Quizzes. Facebook. Are you Gryffindor? Posted November 28th, 2018 for European Commission. Free Quiz Questions and Answers. ... All they have to do is to participate in a quiz and answer a subsidiary question. They have to answer five multiple choice quiz questions on general knowledge about the European. <>stream By traveling mainly by rail, participants can discover Europe’s stunning landscapes and its endless variety of cities and towns. endobj 30 AWESOME WWI QUIZ QUESTIONS Free Pub Quiz. … x�+� � | DiscoverEU is an initiative originally requested by the European Parliament with the objective of providing ... quiz. W e We can’t all go to Hogwarts and don the Sorting Hat, but here’s the next best thing – Wizarding World's very own Sorting Experience, previously on Pottermore! General Knowledge and Quiz.UK are hosted in Manchester, England and are written for your enjoyment only.
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